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香味扑鼻。A fragrance greeted us.

我是否那芬芳一缕?Am I the fragrance of it?

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香气扑鼻。Fragrance strikes the nose.

双蝴蝶兰最清香。Double orchid the fragrance.

欲求译园百花香。To make a garden in fragrance.

那你有新的香水。And you have the new fragrance.

赠人玫瑰,手有余香。Roses given, fragrance in hand.

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玫瑰花香味很浓。The rose has a heavy fragrance.

屠夫她闻到了柳条女人的香味。The butcher smelt her fragrance.

请享受你盛年的芬芳吧。Enjoy the fragrance of thy prime.

赠人鲜花,手有余香。Flowers given, fragrance in hand.

赠人玫瑰,手有余香。Gifts of roses, hand a fragrance.

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沁人心肺的花香。Intoxicated fragrance of flowers.

空气中迷漫着芳香。Fragrance diffuses through the air.

芬芳从花朵中散发出来。Fragrance emanated from the flowers.

玫瑰散发出浓郁的香味。The rose sends out strong fragrance.

我低下头闻见一阵芬芳。I lowered the head smell a fragrance.

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香水可以喷洒在头发上吗?May fragrance be sprayed on the hair?

没有香味或气味遮盖剂。No fragrance or scent masking agents.

发愿作一朵鲜花,吐露芬芳,给人清香。Vow to be a flower bearing fragrance.