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有人在博客上留言说它“悖谬可笑”,但也有人评价它是一项“神奇的厘革”。It's "laughably absurd" on one blog and a "magical revolution" on another.

英语真是有趣,竟然把狗和摆阔气联系上了,呵呵!The ENGLISH is very laughably , make the dog with extravagant contact unexpectedly! he he!

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以今天的标准来看,这可能有点可笑,但在1972年,IBM的机器就像是来自未来。Although laughably primitive by today’s standards, in 1972 the IBM mainframe felt like the future.

设想寻找股市规律的想法看上往是幼稚可笑的。Thinking of that makes the project of finding some order in the stock market seem laughably naïve.

而且某些不错的Web2.0应用涌现在有趣、前景无限的垂直市场。And some of the better Web 2.0 apps that are coming out are for laughably obscure vertical markets.

今天我想给朋友们演示一下我家的菜刀钝得多么可怕,就拿起一把在手上划了一下。Today, I tried to demonstrate to my friend how laughably dull our kitchen knives are by swiping one across my palm.

不管你认为自己多聪明,总有一天,生活都会毫不留情地告诉你你是错的。No matter how brilliant you think you may be, the day will come when you will be told in no uncertain terms that you are laughably wrong.

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有时想来也很可笑的!总是不明白自己到底需要些什么!也许人生就是这样的左右不定!Sometimes wants to come very laughably also! Always did not understand oneself needs any! Perhaps the life is such about does not decide!

我有点惊讶,但也觉得自己可笑,有什么呀,大家都是塘桥出去的,有联系也是正常的。I am a little surprised, but also thinks itself laughably , has anything, everybody is the pond bridge exits, has the relation is also normal.

试用菅直人的有趣但不鼓舞人的想象来和这所有的一切做比较,小泽想建立一个“拥有最少不幸的社会”,却在这方面少了些运气。Compare all this with Kan's laughably uninspiring vision. He wants to build a “society with minimal unhappiness,” and has not had much luck with that.

湖边夜总会和酒吧里的歌手很差劲,常常比喝醉酒唱卡拉OK的客人好不到哪里去。Nightclubs and bars along the waterfront have laughably poor singers who are usually little better than the average drunken karaoke star-for-the-night.

有些CIO职位广告可笑地展示了这种双重角色,在一句话里面同时要求成为“战略伙伴”并具备“广博的Cobol知识”。Some CIO job advertisements laughably demonstrate this dual-role, in the same sentence asking for a “strategic partner” and “extensive Cobol knowledge.”

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相似的,中国人经常会对通过传播一些国外官员因为收取小恩小惠,而被罢免的故事,来表达他们对于中国官员腐败的不满。Likewise, Chinese show their displeasure at official corruption by spreading stories in which foreign bureaucrats were sacked for taking laughably small favors.

为了在未来十年内削减微不足道的一点联邦政府预算,所谓的超级委员会在前一阵正式运作起来,而本周就是他们的任务截止期限。Thisweek marks the deadline for the so-called congressional Super Committee to meetits goal of cutting a laughably small amount of federal spending over the nextdecade.