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剌猬有很多剌。The hedgehog has many spines.

老爸,他们家的剌猬真大!Father, his hedgehog is so big!

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“啊?”刺猬询问地说道。"Ah?" said the Hedgehog inquiringly.

因此她就走了,找她的刺猬去了。So she went in search of her hedgehog.

这下子,小刺猬的小巢不再合适了。And now Hedgehog can't fit into her nest.

你的刺猬可能会绻成一个小球。Your hedgehog may huff or roll into a ball.

“它们是水凝结成的冰,”刺猬说。"They're just frozen water, " said Hedgehog.

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刺猬听到草嘻嘻索索的声音,蛇出现了。Hedgehog heard the grass move , It was snake.

生命短暂,切不可猬琐偏狭。——狄斯累利。Life is short, must not hedgehog intolerance.

刺猬常常把它的身体收缩成一个圆球。A hedgehog often contracts its body into a ball.

刺猬一受到攻击就蜷缩成一团。A hedgehog rolls itself into a ball when attacked.

受惊的刺猬会把身体缩成一个球。A frightened hedgehog contracts its body into a ball.

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你看起来像只刺猬,干吗不用点发胶?You look like a hedgehog.Why don't you use some hair gel?

一条鱼静静地游过来,游到了刺猬的心中,揉碎了水草里的梦。If you touch a hedgehog it will react by curling into a ball.

这只迷人的小刺猬背上繁复的针刺都是由名为“乐高传动杆”的小积木块搭成的。Charming hedgehog. Needles are made of the Lego gearbox levers.

刺猬只在夜间出来,到处匆匆地转,找寻食物。The hedgehog only comes out at night to scurry around for a meal.

但新近纪的豪猪化石在亚洲发现得很少。However, Neogene of the hedgehog fossils found in Asia, very little.

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一只小刺猬也想钻进来取暖。于是小鼹鼠和小兔子就马上挪出一点空间出来给它。A hedgehog wanted to get warm. The mole and the rabbit made room for him.

有一天晚上,小刺猬要去找小熊数星星。In the evenings, the little Hedgehog went to the Bear cub to count stars.

于是刺猬离开了,野兔对这一切也很满意。Hereupon the hedgehog departed, for the hare was quite satisfied with this.