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我梦醒来…I waken up.

快去把他父亲叫醒。Go waken his father.

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惟侑嗳能唤醒嗳。Love alone can waken love.

只有爱才能唤醒爱!Love alone could waken love!

唯有爱才能唤醒爱。Love alone could waken love.

只有爱才气唤醒爱!Love alone could waken love !

别错失去了唤醒爱的良机Lose not a chance to waken love

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我在妈妈紧促的唠叨声中醒了。I was waken by my mam's harsh nags.

我觉得好像刚从噩梦中醒来。I feel as if I had waken from a nightmare.

自然界能唤醒人的本能。Secondly, nature can waken man's instinct.

人们相信山羌的吠叫声可以唤醒太阳。The bark of the muntjac was believed to waken the sun.

我们应当使人民警觉到国家面临的危险。We must waken the people to the dangers facing our country.

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如果是世界在为他作梦,没有人能由这梦中清醒过来。No one can waken from a dream the world is dreaming for him.

“我记在心上,”白叟说。“到时间会去唤醒你的。”I can remember it, " the old man said. "I'll waken you intime.

我能挽回他的生命,是因为他的生命力还在,我能唤醒他的那种生命力而已。I saved him because there was life in him and I could waken it.

对多数小孩来说,醒来发现一个陌生人是很可怕的。It is frightening to most children to waken and find a stranger.

你,哦,是你把蓝色的地中海从梦中唤醒。Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams The blue Mediterranean.

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他生气地说,因为我吵醒了他。He said angrily for I had waken him up. That happened a second time.

从我的翅膀上摇落下露珠,去唤醒每一朵香甜的蓓蕾。From my wings are shaken the dews that waken The sweet buds every one.

雨停了,回乡下一趟,发觉春天已勃然觉醒。Rain stopped, I go back the country, found that spring had waken up widely.