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假设共同体主义者的争辩是对的。Supposed the communitarian argument is right.

我想听听对于社群主义者观点的其它反对意见。I want to hear from another critic of the communitarian view.

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而且,共同体主义者将会说,我们甚至无法弄清,丽娜And the communitarian would say we can't even make sense, Rina

按照社群主义者的解释,成员资格的确重要。According to the communitarian account, membership does matter.

社群主义者不否认,遇到这种情况,我们需要做出选择。The communitarian doesn't deny that there is choice to be made.

社群主义政治哲学寻求基于共同体与善的目的之教育公平。Communitarian fairness is to ask for common good based on community.

现在共同体主义者会说,其中有令人钦佩之处。Now the communitarian would say there is something admirable in that.

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好吧,我们先听听针对社群主义的反对意见。All right, let's hear from the critics of the communitarian idea first.

儒家社群主义作为一种社会与政治思想,其基本观念在先秦儒家那里就已具备。As a social and political thought, basic communitarian ideas appeared in the Pre-chin Confucianism.

新自由主义、社群主义和新左派对保守自由主义的弱政府理论提出了猛烈批评。New Liberalism, Communitarian and New Left criticize fierily the weak government theory of Neo-liberalism.

我不确信Fish的论点,易受那个观点攻击,因为毕竟是共产式的。I'm not sure Fish's argument is vulnerable to that position because, after all, hard wiring is communitarian.

现在就涉及到,自由主义者和社群主义者这两者的自我观。是否还有另外一种义务?Now, the issue between the liberal and communitarian accounts of the self, Is there another category of obligation or not?

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Gaskin的哲学在应用层面上的果实便是六十年代后少数仍然长期坚持运作的社群。The result of Gaskin's philosophy in application was to be one of the few long-term communitarian ventures to come out of the sixties.

社群主义的正义观是一个复杂的理论体系,其中既包含一些合理的学说,又存在着一些理论局限。As a complex theoretical system, the communitarian view of justice presents a number of rational doctrines but also contains some theoretical limitations.

社群主义者认为,自由主义者对于义务的全部论述,不论是自然义务,还是自愿义务,都不能涵盖维持成员资格、团结的义务。The communitarian argues that construing all obligations as either natural duties or voluntary obligations fails to capture obligations of membership or solidarity.

研究者们认为,从这个意义上讲,萨摩亚这种公有制文化可能是更适宜男同性恋在进化中长时间存在的环境。But in this sense, the researchers say, Samoa's communitarian culture may be more -- not less -- representative of the environment in which male same-sex sexuality evolved eons ago.

球员不久就可以得到欧盟护照,不过即使得不到欧盟护照,他依然可以加盟,因为下周克里斯蒂安。莱德斯马就会获得意大利国籍。The player should obtain soon the communitarian status, but even if should not happen , he could be always acquired , because nest week Christian Lodesma should become an Italian citizen.