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冲突如何变得这么支离破碎?How did this conflict get so fragmented?

亚洲是一个高度分散且极具差异性的市场.这里大多数都是小企业.It's a very fragmented and diverse market.

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你可以说一段时间内会更加分散。You cound say more fragmented for a while.

这一行业犹如一盘散沙,对其中所有人来说,我们都是免费的。It was a free for all, fragmented industry.

要填补的洞太深,权力又太分散。The hole is too deep and power too fragmented.

当人格分裂十分严重时就不必要了。Not necessary when the personality is so fragmented.

该州这个问题有部分又恨支离破碎。Part of the problem is the state is very fragmented.

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智能手机市场很久以来都更加碎片化。The smartphone market has long been more fragmented.

相信综合方法会打败零零碎碎的方法。Believe integrated approach beats fragmented approach.

他又使陆地水土流失,变得千沟万壑。He made land soil erosion, became fragmented landform.

在中国,个人教育市场是高度离散的。The private education market is highly fragmented in China.

也许是我们的媒体读者不够集中。S. ? Perhaps our media readerships are already too fragmented?

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这些插片广告极大地破坏了剧情的连贯性和趣味性。These fragmented ads spoil the fun and disturb the plot flow.

他们的日常工作变得忙乱,支离破碎,顶着巨大的压力。The resulting daily routine is pressured, hectic and fragmented.

不过因为你的身体分解了酒精,睡眠会变得支离破碎。But as the body metabolises the alcohol, sleep may become fragmented.

您的系统不会再因为主分区表和分页文件产生碎片而变得缓慢。Your system will not slow down from fragmented MFT's or paging files.

然而,由于人体对酒精的代谢会干扰睡眠,所以会使睡眠变得支离破碎。However, as the body metabolizes the alcohol, sleep may become fragmented.

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药物发现和开发措施在该大陆支离破碎。Drug discovery and development efforts are fragmented across the continent.

而西方的部落凝聚力越小,就越分化,同时将失去优势。The less tribally cohesive, more fragmented West is, meanwhile, losing out.

分析人士说,这要部分归咎于中国农业的分散化格局。The fragmented structure of Chinese farming is partly to blame, analysts say.