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一架美国专属直升机向他们开火。An American attache helicopter opened fire on them.

我用公文包携带我的重要文件。I carried the important papers in the attaché case.

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文化参事参加完宴会浑身酸疼。The culture attache aches over after attending a banquet.

他衣着光鲜,拎着一个漂亮的真皮公文包。He was well dressed and carried a smart leather attaché case.

政府命令商务专员回国。The government ordered the commercial attache to return home.

他打开了他的公文包,拿出了一个文件夹,然后又把它合上了。He opened his attaché case, removed a folder, then closed it again.

武官寨镇镇政府驻武官寨村。Military attache military attachezhai zhen village in the town government.

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此前,他是印度驻莫斯科大使馆的海军武官。Prior to this, he was Naval Attaché at the Indian Embassy at Moscow, Russia.

放射性物质、装有警报装置的手提箱和公事包。Radioactive material briefcases and attache case with installed alarm devices.

本产品为IC集成电路封装工艺芯片全自动固晶机上而专门设计。This product design for IC assembly die attache process on die bonder machine.

但真正该打印机与众不同的是其集成的“间谍值得”公文包。What really sets this printer apart is its integrated "spy-worthy" attaché case.

这就是麦克,锋利,敏锐而热忱—不论做记者还是新闻官都如此。That's him—Sharp, observant and earnest—No matter as a reporter or Press Attaché.

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他们会派出一个外交专员就我们脚下的资源进行谈判吗?Would they send out a diplomatic attaché to negotiate for the resources under our feet?

你肯定能了解到更多关于那个让人们浮想联翩的工具箱里到底有些什么设备。You’ll undoubtedly learn more about what kind of device is inside that suggestive attache.

法国驻旧金山的领事馆的参赞看到了这篇文章,并且与我联系。The press attaché at the French consulate in San Francisco read the story and contacted me.

在这些公布的名字之中,至少有十位引起了激烈的争论,其中有些人隶属于莫斯科的军事机构。At least ten of the names, including the military attaché in Moscow, are fiercely contested.

现在他在中国外交部担任草案拟定专员。Now Yang serves as an attaché to the Protocol Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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长官,我是在德国当海军武官的时候,他碰巧派我去完成几项保密性很强的任务。When i was naval attache in germany, sir, he happened to use me on jobs involving high security.

感谢人大常委会副秘书长李连宁先生,感谢外交部随员孙灵。And I want to thank Sun Ling, attache with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for providing translation.

上个礼拜周末,政府信息专员飞往纽约采访了Mr.Jalloh。Last weekend, an information attaché for the government flew into New York and interviewed Mr. Jalloh.