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明天我可能会心碎。Tomorrow I might be hungover.

什么?现在都十二点了。宿醉?What? It's twelve now. Hungover?

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每周至少花一天时间来做瑜伽。Stop showing up hungover to work every day.

一艘自由轮满载着睡意蒙胧、宿醉的水兵来到。A liberty boat full of sleepy hungover sailors came.

她进来时,还未完全酒醒的我很不舒服,而她呢,看上去则一脸的阴郁和伤感。When she arrived I was badly hungover and she looked somber and sad.

他看上去好像酒喝多了正难受,因为昨晚他参加了单身舞会。He also looked very hungover from his bachelor party the night before.

就算我宿醉未醒被绑在路灯柱上无法用手,我也比她写得好。I write better when I’m hungover and tied to a lamppost without access to my hands.

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但是早晨的时候,这只余醉未醒的麋鹿站了起来,跌跌撞撞地往前走了几步。But by the morning the hungover animal had stood up and cautiously moved a few metres away.

要是宿醉未醒的同学坐在艾玛旁边一起听课,可能都认不出她来。Sitting next to her in a lecture, a hungover student might be mistaken for not recognising Emma Watson.

更糟的情况是,因为喝醉加上宿醉,上班的路上你可能真的一头撞向一辆卡车!Or alternately, when you literally drive head on into a truck on the way to work because you're both drunk and hungover.

每天不论他是生病了、外面是个阴郁的雨天还是他心情不佳或者其他什么状况,他都会在早上写上350词的文章。No matter what, every day, no matter if he’s sick or it’s raining or he’s hungover or whatever, he writes 350 words in the morning.

今天我醉了酒很难受,结果回家时发现所有的电梯都坏掉了,我住在12层。FML。Today, I am severely hungover. Upon returning home, I came to find that both of the elevators were out of order. I live on the 12th floor. FML.

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你会几个小时感觉眩晕、像宿醉一般难受,即使你在喝了一杯星巴克咖啡后感觉好点,你也决不能表现出你的最佳状态。You feel groggy and hungover for hours, and even when you start to feel a bit more alert after that first Starbucks, you really never achieve the mental edge of which you're capable.