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气象学家埃里克的操作方法是正确的。One person who got it right was meteorologist Eric Holthaus.

气象学家周月华表示,拉尼娜是造成旱情的原因。Meteorologist Zhou Yuehua said La Nina was to blame for the drought.

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一位气象学家做了大概的估算,结果可能会让你大吃一惊哦。A meteorologist has done some estimates and the results might surprise you.

我和我的两只狗住在一起,我是一个气象解说员。I live by myself with my two doggies and work as a broadcast meteorologist.

“这些风暴就像大声喘气的动物,”气象学家帕里什告诉我。"These storms are like breathing animals, " meteorologist Parrish has told me.

这位是气象学家杰夫•马斯特斯,他来自人气网站。That’s meteorologist Jeff Masters of the popular website

但是国家气象局的气象专家大卫·贝赤勒表示并不需要担心。But meteorologist David Beachler from the National Weather Service says not to worry.

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气象学家安德鲁·奥瑞森表示,新英格兰将很快迎来大雪天气。Meteorologist Andrew Orrison says New England may get significant amounts of snow soon.

西雅图气象专家表示,这也许是自1990年以来最严重的暴风雪。"This is probably one of the worst storms since 1990," a meteorologist in Seattle said.

他们说春天的第一天常常是在三月1号前后。The meteorologist then will say the first day of spring is usually on or around March 1st.

一气象学家预测,在接下来两个星期,300例龙卷风会袭来。One meteorologist has predicted that another 300 more tornadoes will strike in the next two weeks.

但是尽管如此,想到有这么多水漂浮在空中,哪怕像莱蒙这样的气象学家也会觉得不可思议的。But still, the concept of so much water floating in the sky was surprising even to a meteorologist like LeMone.

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五个名人乘搭一个热气球,他们是文学家、化学家、物理学家、医学家和气象学家,代表着各自领域的最高水平。There were a writter, a chemist, a physicist, a medical scientist and meteorologist. They represented the best in their fields.

出乎意料的是很多主流的专业工作例如公立学校的理科教师、护士或者是电视台气象预报员等等都榜上有名。Also earning the dubious distinction were the more mainstream professions of public school science teacher, nurse and TV meteorologist.

想知道一朵云有多重吗?还有飓风?一位气象学家做了大概的估算,结果可能会让你大吃一惊哦。Ever wonder how much a cloud weighs? What about a hurricane? A meteorologist has done some estimates and the results might surprise you.

最近,一位著名的气象学家写了有关气候控制的文章,敦促人们Phaeton的方法是不明智的。Recently, a prominent meteorologist has written about climate control and urged us to "take up Phaeton's reins," which is not a good idea.

近年来美国许多城市洪水肆虐,而强降雨并非其中唯一的成因,佐治亚大学气象学家马歇尔·谢泼德如是说。Heavy rains we're not the only cause of recent urban flooding, according to University of Georgia research meteorologist Marshall Shepherd.

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再假定每个传感器都极极端准确地读出了温度、气压、温度和气象学家需要的任何其他数据。Suppose every sensor gives perfectly accurate readings of temperature, pressure, humidity, and any other quantity a meteorologist would want.

再假设感应器可以及其准确的读出温度,气压,湿度的其它任何气象学家需要的数据。Suppose the sensor can gives perfectly the accurate readings of temperature, pressure, humidity, and any other quantitiy a meteorologist would want.

当然,每个人都希望看到的气象学汤姆斯基林,谁已经成为接近电影图标Chicagoland地区可以作为一种气象。And, of course, everyone wants to see meteorologist Tom Skilling, who has become as close to a movie icon in the Chicagoland area as a weatherman can.