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这就是我在德黑兰会议前夕所持的立场的一个忠实的纪录。This is a faithful record of my position on the eve of Teheran.

这位在德黑兰的年轻人平生第一次买了一样什么东西?What did a young man in Teheran buy for the first time in his life?

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美国与欧盟担心德黑兰的目标是生产核武器。The US and European Union fear Teheran is aiming to produce nuclear weapons.

韦维尔将军的伦敦之行,却因为需要派他到德黑兰去而中止。General Wavell's visit to London was shelved by the need for his presence in Teheran.

特别是在伊拉克,那里倾向于德黑兰的什叶派占人口大多数。Especially in Iraq, there are a majority of people inclined to agree with Teheran Shiite.

德黑兰的一个年轻人由于对睡地板感到厌倦,于是积蓄多年买了一张真正的床。Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed.

德黑兰的一个人年轻人由于对睡地板感到厌倦,于是积蓄多年买了一张真正的床。Tired of sleeping on the floor, a young man in Teheran saved up for years to buy a real bed.

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德黑兰电台说,已经在最近重创了伊拉克的伊朗革命军。Teheran Radio said the Iranian Revolutionary Army, having dealt recent crushing blows to Iraq.

伊朗的官方媒体已经表示,德黑兰政府将会对伊拉克发起全面进攻。Iran's official media has indicated the Teheran government may mount an all-out attack on Iraq.

可是在今天,就有一批伊朗人来到德黑兰的墓地悼念一位名叫尼达的年轻女士。But today groups of Iranians visited Teheran cemetery to pay tribute to a young woman named Neda.

一位在德黑兰盖了新房子的基督徒特意留了一间屋子做个人福音工作室。One Christian who constructed a new house in Teheran built aspecial room for personal evangelism.

一名美籍伊朗裔知识分子塔吉巴克斯两年内第二次在德黑兰被捕。An Iranian American academic Kian Tajbakhsh has been arrested in Teheran for the second time in two years.

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上次北非会议的地点开罗,与德黑兰之间的距离为1250英里。The distance between Cairo, from which the North Africa Conference was announced, and Teheran is 1, 250 miles.

华盛顿认为这计划由中国国有石油公司的投资项目是向伊朗发了一个错误的信号。Washington views the planned investment by a Chinese state-run oil company is sending the wrong signal to Teheran.

伊朗一家上诉法庭把被停职的德黑兰市长卡巴其的刑期从五年减为两年。An iran appellate court teheran mayor which suspension bandy-legged its prison term from five years is reduced is two years.

华盛顿先前一再坚持,德黑兰必须停止浓缩铀项目,这是双方面对面会谈的先决条件。Previously, Washington had insisted that Teheran stop its uranium enrichment program as a precondition to face-to-face talks.

伊朗表示其核项目用于和平目的,但是以色列和美国认为德黑兰正在发展核武器。Iran says the program is for peaceful purposes, but Israel and the United States believe Teheran is developing nuclear weapons.

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白宫方便声称,该报告还提到伊朗的铀浓缩项目正在放缓,这对于德黑兰来说是个错过的机会。The White House called the report which also said that Iran's enrichment activities are slowing, a missed opportunity for Teheran.

9月5日,伊朗首都德黑兰。四名罪犯被悬尸示众,当天在伊朗共有21人被吊死。Four criminals are hanged in a city, 950 km south of Teheran , Sept. 5, 2007. A total of 21 criminals were hanged that day in Iran.

德黑兰递交给美国一份分享协议,建造一个新的核能工厂。很显然是在试图阻止美国对伊朗原子能项目的反对。Teheran offers the United States a share in building a new nuclear power plant in an apparent effort to curb US opposition to Iran's atomic program.