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凯站起身。Kiah stood up.

他却让我空等一场。He stood me up.

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我女儿吉吉就站在那。There stood Gigi.

他站在桌旁。He stood by the desk.

他站在甲板上。He stood on the deck.

我站在她的右边。I stood at her right.

他的头发扎煞着。His hair stood on end.

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我讨厌有人失约。I hate being stood up.

我站起来,转过身。I stood up and turned.

他站在邮筒旁边。He stood by the postbox.

我站在路边上。I stood on the roadside.

他一直忠实于他的妻子。He has stood by his wife.

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她一跃而起,大声问道。She stood up and shouted.

但是金牙姑姑很坚定。But Gold Teeth stood firm.

他靠门站着。He stood against the door.

我提着空桶站立着。I stood with my empty can.

斯密斯德站着,缄默不语。Smithers stood in silence.

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我们站在商店外面。We stood outside the shop.

左侧有一扇门半掩着。A door to the left stood _.

他站起身向她走来。He stood and walked to her.