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这大风雪是谁的主意?Whose idea was this blizzard?

暴风雪中的足球比赛报道?A football game to cover in a blizzard?

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但是我们在暴雪尝试各种游戏。But we play all kinds of games at Blizzard.

大风雪过后,他用铲子清除了前面过道上的积雪。After the blizzard he shoveled the front walk.

风呜呜地吼了起来,暴风雪来了。The wind roared the chauffeur, a blizzard comes.

大风雪在三月初来袭,使城市陷入瘫痪。The blizzard hit in early March and paralyzed the city.

我们还在山上的时候暴风雪就袭来了。The blizzard struck while we were still on the mountain.

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销量上升也只是反盗版运动的一部分。And it is just part of a blizzard of anti-piracy activity.

她和史坦尼斯婚礼当天肯定有暴风雪。There must have been a blizzard the day she and Stannis wed.

因此,暴雪也不会封停任何使用插件的玩家。Therefore, blizzard won't ban someone from using any addons.

暴风雪夹着大团的积雪吹过湖面。A blizzard was blasting great drifts of snow across the lake.

提起这森冷的数字就令人歉然,但直升机真的很重要。Apologies for the blizzard of figures, but they are important.

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大风雪在狂虐,但男女孩子们全被穿得暖暖和和。A blizzard was raging but the boy and girl were all bundled up.

这款暴雪出榀的网络游戏最早出现于1994年。This MMORPG by Blizzard Entertainment was first released in 1994.

暴雪见异思迁,显然是为了获得更大的利益。Blizzard is freakish , it is to acquire larger interest apparently.

当暴风雪来临的时候我们只能整天呆在家里。When blizzard comes in winter,we can only stay at home all day long.

大风雪昨天面临东北部,造成重大的伤害。The blizzard struck the north-east yesterday, causing serious damage.

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冬天刮大风雪时,我们只能整天呆在家中。When blizzard comes in winter, we can only stay at home all day long.

必须说明的是,事实上暴雪并没有就这一问题透漏或确认过任何事。To be clear, Blizzard has revealed or confirmed nothing at this point.

纠缠现在可以打断持续性魔法了,例如流星雨和暴风雪。Entangle now interrupts channeling spells such as Starfall and Blizzard.