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多么疏淡,篱笆无声!How nonchalant the Hedge!

又一次,我漫不经心地问。And once again, nonchalant of course.

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不过也有许多当地人反应平静。But many local people are nonchalant.

然后在某个不经意的瞬间。Then in some nonchalant instantaneous.

我就是不喜欢他那种满不在乎的态度!I just could not enjoy his nonchalant attitude!

我漫不经心地问。And I would ask, as nonchalant as I could of course.

人往往在不经意的时候才会懂得。HuHuman often at nonchalant time only will then understand.

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她却满不在乎的说,我明天会给你一个最好的礼物。Nonchalant she said that tomorrow I will give you the best gift.

对他们来说,很明显,为什么人们对那些条款漠不关心。To them, it is obvious why people are so nonchalant about the terms.

那是一种纯粹的美丽和感动,不经意的拨动我们的心弦。That is one kind of pure beauty and affected, nonchalant moves our heartstrings.

维持一个简单朴素,平易恬淡的生活是一件好事,可是如果是过分地表现刻苦就不对了。The simple, easy and nonchalant life is a good thing but taking it too far is wrong.

那麽,政策维持宽松,市场相对来讲又无动于衷,这是否意味着局面尽在掌控之中呢?So does relaxed policy and relatively nonchalant market pricing mean everything's in hand?

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宗介的头从地毯下冒出来说,竭力显出一副没被攻击过的平淡样子。Sosuke's head popped up from the linoleum, as nonchalant as if he had never been assaulted.

他用着一种若无其事的态度会见罗伯脱,先谈了一回营业的情形。He met Robert in his cheerful, nonchalant way, and together they talked business for a time.

随便问一位中国学生对于学术欺骗的看法,其若无其事的态度会让你非常震惊。Ask any Chinese student about academic skullduggery and the response is startlingly nonchalant.

这之后,就能塑造出你在沙滩上冷漠清高的时尚形象,潮过沙滩上任何一个妞。It gives the impression that you are more nonchalant about beach style and is infinitely chicer.

这是一个淡淡然而又感动、振奋人心的好人好事的故事。This is a nonchalant story of decent folks living in an isolated "new" town distanced by poverty.

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其清淡诗风的基础是其感情的恬淡,而其恬淡的感情则来源于儒、道、佛三教对他思想的影响。The basis of this sort of style was his nonchalant emotion which came from the effect of Confucianism?

一丝冷淡和放在别处的关心能让对方发现你真的很酷。A little more nonchalant and attention put elsewhere will help the want you want realize how cool you really are.

你得花上好几天的时间来修剪玫瑰,这样才能使之给观者留下怡人之感,仿若这些玫瑰是在露台闲庭信步一般优雅。It takes days to train the rose to give an impression of nonchalant grace as it rambles so elegantly over the gazebo.