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他一点儿骨气都没有。He has no backbone.

主链是什么The backbone is what?

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他是地地道道的英国人。He is british to the backbone.

中国人民有骨气。The Chinese people have backbone.

床身是车床的基础件。The bed is the backbone of a lathe.

他们是这个厂的顶梁柱。They are the backbone of the factory.

我父亲是家庭的主心骨。My father is the backbone of my family.

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这就是我们阿城人缺少的骨气。This is what we lack the backbone Cheng.

这样的人是国家的栋梁。Such men are the backbone of the country.

这就需要一根超级腰力的竿子。It requires a rod with plenty of backbone.

在这一团乱麻中,就没有一个主心骨吗?Is there no backbone anywhere in this mess?

所提问题是采访的大梁。Questions are the backbone of an interview.

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这份清单将会成为你这一天的主心骨。This list will be the backbone of your day.

甚高速骨干网络服务系统?。VBNS?Very high speed Backbone Network Services?

中小企业是美国经济的支柱。Small business is the backbone of the US economy.

北京市骨干教师,西城区学科带头人。Beijing backbone teachers, Xicheng District leader.

他在面对逆境和苦难时显示出刚毅和勇气。He displayed grit and backbone in facing adversity.

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清廉的法官是社会的基石。Incorruptible judges are the backbone of the society.

教师是发展教育事业的骨干力量。The teacher develops the education backbone strength.

公司系富阳市重点骨干企业。This company is a backbone enterprise in Fuyang City.