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说明向日葵在中国广为种植。Demonstrative helianthus is in China wide to cultivate.

演示证据是逻辑争论的说明。Demonstrative evidence, well that's demonstration logical argument.

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你要在中南海,弄一块生态农业示范田,肯定可行。Establishing demonstrative organic fields at Zhongnanhai would certainly be feasible.

非裔美国人的音乐曾以多种方式在这种演变中起到了具有代表性的作用。African-American music, in many ways, has played a demonstrative role in this evolution.

第一步,创建示意性的对象体块和建筑将被置入的场地。Firstly, preparing demonstrative object box and the field where the building will be set.

膝胸卧位示范图另一相关的调整方法是“桥式卧位”。Genu bosom lies a demonstrative graph another relevant adjustment the method is " bridge-type lies ".

黄梅话的指示代词很有特色,呈现典型的三分局面。The demonstrative pronouns in Huangmei dialect is very peculiar, featured for its typical trisection.

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衡水方言中有一些特殊的表示程度的句式,有特殊的指示代词。There are special sentence patterns of degree and special demonstrative pronouns in Hengshui dialect.

女性表示,年薪达到5万英镑左右的男人才称得上在经济上成功。A salary of almost 50, 000 pounds a year is demonstrative of male financial success, according to women.

汉语中最常见、最典型、最复杂的指示词语是“这”和“那”类指代词。The most typical and complicated deictic words in modern Chinese are demonstrative pronouns this and that.

你们也知道怎么让女同学考数学考不好,像这样,这样的作用非常显易而见。Now, you know how to make women do worse on math tests too, like that, and this has a demonstrative effect.

感情方面,这是温暖而又充满情爱的一个月,你会比往常更爱玩也更容易动感情。Romantically, it's a warm and affectionate month when you'll feel more playful and demonstrative than usual.

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作为上海郊区城市化示范城镇的安亭新镇是一次彻底的空间移植尝试。As a demonstrative urbanized town in Shanghai suburb, Anting New Town is a try of radical spatial transplant.

然而,如果它们的功能象形容词,那么复数指示代词和复数动词是能够接受的。If they are functioning as adjectives, however, the plural demonstrative and plural verb should be acceptable.

照明灯自发光的光电电池,并通过最光栅光栅示范。The illuminant emitting light is incepted by photoelectric cell through most grating and demonstrative grating.

我们将这种广受质疑的说服方式的来源描述为说明性论证。We have now described the sources of those means of persuasion which are popularly supposed to be demonstrative.

中西在司法互助、引渡方面达成协议具有示范意义。The agreement on mutual legal assistance and extradition reached between China and Spain has demonstrative value.

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从这个意义上讲,九江方言中的指示代词是一个弱化的三分系统。So from this point, we can say the three-part system of the demonstrative pronoun in Jiujiang dialect is weakened.

文中介绍了一个根据速归程序变换基本思想而构造的人-机交互实验系统XDPTS。An interactive demonstrative system XDPTS according to the method of Recursive Program Transformation is described.

射阳县是国家科委全国海岸带开发的示范点。Sheyang County is the demonstrative site for Coastal Zone Developmenf of the State Science and Teclmological Commission.