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他心情不快地望着大海。He looked at the sea moodily.

“那是一个心理问题,”他犹豫地说。It's a question of psychology, " he said moodily."

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悻悻地走开,并且开始穿衣服。And he moved moodily away and began to dress himself.

他眼睛看着地面,郁郁不欢地走进去。He bent his eyes to the ground, and walked moodily in.

阿宝从房间里溜了出来,留她独个人站在那里瞪着眼睛忧郁地望着远处。Pork slipped from the room as she remained staring moodily into the distance.

雷斯脱把一头浓发掠在背后,满肚子忧郁地仰在枕头上。Lester, his thick hair pushed back from his vigorous face, leaned back moodily on his pillow.

忧郁中,她急速地浏览报纸的其他部分,突然一行题目跳入她的眼帘。Moodily , she began to flick through the rest of the newspaper. Then an item leapt out at her.

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这些动词共有的中心意思是。闷闷不乐地在脑海里长时间冥思苦想。The central meaning shared by these verbs is . to turn over in the mind moodily and at length.

他们在出口平铺直叙的、设定在镶木地板的现代公寓里的、让人感受跃动法兰西的文艺片方面有着较好记录。They have a better export record with highbrow, low-plot movies, set in chic apartments with parquet floors, that feel moodily French.

他们有更好的作品出口,一些文艺范儿,低情节的电影,背景是布置精致的公寓,镶花的地板,这才是有着忧郁情绪的法国影片。They have a better export record with highbrow, low-plot movies, set in chic apartments with parquet floors, that feel moodily French.

“到死我都不会再跟你说话,”乔说着站起身来,“你等着瞧吧!”他悻悻地走开,并且开始穿衣服。I'll never speak to you again as long as I live, " said Joe, rising. "There now! " And he moved moodily away and began to dress himself.

“三十一分,”奥斯鲍沉重地说。“我们约好十二点半见。我真想知道你是怎么知道有关报告的消息的,麦克斯。”"Thirty-one minutes , " Ausable said moodily . "The appointment was for twelve-thirty . I wish I knew how you learned about the report , Max . "

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几个星期之前,我坐在那里,呆呆地盯着一块奖饰,它闯入我的生活,大体上是某个公司狂热的促销宣传的结果。One day a couple of weeks ago, I sat for a while staring moodily at a plaque that had entered my life largely as a result of some company's zest for promotion.

苔丝原是痛苦地下了决心,她们两个无论谁都能成为农场主的好妻子,她应该推荐她们,而且还要贬低自己不幸的姿色。Tess had moodily decided that either of these maidens would make a good farmer's wife, and that she ought to recommend them, and obscure her own wretched charms.

魔术师应一位热情的崇拜者的邀请来到这个偏远的小镇,崇拜者是个苏格兰人,穿着卖弄风情的短裙。The illusionist has come to the dramatically, moodily hued island village, at the invitation of an enthusiastic admirer, a Scot with a deep thirst and a flirty kilt.

他喝着闷酒,看看女儿,又看看老婆,几次想把那炸弹似的恶消息宣布,然而终于没有那样的勇气。Moodily drinking his wine he looked at his daughter and looked at his wife. several times he considered dropping the bad news in their midst like a bombshell but he didn't have that kind of courage.