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我想不起来我们是在什么地方相遇的。I cannot recollect where we met.

我想不起怎样驾船了。I don't recollect how sail a boat.

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译我记得听他这么说过。I recollect having heard him say so.

你记得曾向我借过10便士吗?。I3o you recollect borrowing 10p from me?

我为什么会突然想起了温泉关?Why do I suddenly recollect the Passage des Thermopyles?

你的记忆力强,先生,能把日期记得这样清楚。You have a good memory, sir, to recollect dates so well.

你记不得我们的父亲的教名是什么了吗?Can't you recollect what our father's Christian name was?

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你记不得我们的父亲的教名是什么了吗?Can not you recollect what our father's christian name was?

它具有学习,记忆及模式识别等功能。It has learning, recollect and pattern- recognition function.

我苦苦追忆着出事前见到的一切。I tried hard to recollect what I saw just before the accident.

国庆之日是追忆与反思之日。At this time of national celebration, we recollect and reflect.

我们一定会知道到过什么地方───我们看见过的东西一定会记得住。We will know where we have gone -- we will recollect what we have seen.

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假若我们这样不断地观想,我们的心就会清净与柔和。If we recollect like this continuously, our mind will be clean and gentle.

牧师到底耳语了些什么,他自己事后无论如何也追忆不起来了。What he really did whisper, the minister could never afterwards recollect.

当你回忆从前时你淡定了,说明你开始老了。You chillax when you recollect the past, this means that you began to old.

“是太太没想到的人,”我回答,“就是那个希刺克厉夫——你记得他吧,先生——他原来住在恩萧先生家的。”That Heathcliff--you recollect him, sir,--who used to live at Mr Earnshaw's.'

我像个傻子似的,直等到我听她笑着叫着才明白过来——“艾伦!I, like a fool, didn't recollect that, till I heard her laughing and exclaiming

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花时间来记住和回忆你觉得在生活中想要的一切。Do take time to remember and recollect everything you feel you want from your life.

我能记起许多我不能理解但却使我深深激动的事情。I can recollect many things which I did not understand, but which stirred me deeply.

据说人在弥留于人世之际都要回顾他的一生,就像看一部影片,一切历历在目。It is said that a dying person tends to recollect his whole life, like seeing a film.