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我在黑猩猩研究中融入了感情。I have mixed feelings on chimp studies.

她给这只老黑猩猩起名叫灰胡子大卫。She named the old chimp David Greybeard.

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一天,一只雄性大黑猩猩遛达进了宿营地。One day, a large male chimp wandered29 into the camp.

在这个小三角形的纸上画小猩猩。Let's draw the Little Chimp on this small triangle paper.

登上学校的派珀•切诺基飞机时,我笑得开心极了。I grinned like a chimp as I climbed into the school’s Piper Cherokee.

在这一实验中,一只黑猩猩或一只巴诺布猿面对一排三个站在它们面前的人。In this setup, a chimp or bonobo faced three people standing in a row.

无耻的奇门普在廉价巧克力片店扔廉价巧克力片。Cheeky chimp chucked cheap chocolate chips in the cheap chocolate chip shop.

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福娄死后3周,这只曾经年轻健康的小黑猩猩也死掉了。Three weeks after Flo's death, the formerly healthy young chimp is dead, too.

一个厚脸皮的黑猩猩在廉价的巧克片商店丢了廉价的巧克力片。A cheeky chimp chucked cheap chocolate chips in the cheap chocolate chip shop.

有一次,她甚至大叫着让警察向黑猩猩射击,以便阻止他的攻击。At one point, she even yells for the police to shoot the chimp to stop the attack.

但是倘若柯茨坐下来假装哭泣,小猩猩就会立刻跑到她身边来。But if Kohts sat down and pretended to cry, the chimp would go to her immediately.

是一些决定性的突变让这种良性的猩猩病毒变身为人类杀手的吗?Had a few, fateful mutations changed an innocuous chimp virus into a human killer?

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猩猩的大脑和人类的大脑结构上没有太大的区别。The brain of a chimp and the brain of a human are not that different anatomically.

“于是我们马上就出发了,”珍当晚在自己的日记中这样写到,“的确是黑猩猩。”"So off we went," Jane wrote later that night in her journal, "and there was the chimp.

罗宾的虚拟角色走到正在滚球的黑猩猩身旁,蹲下来面对它。Robyn's avatar walks over to the chimp rolling the ball and crouches down in front of it.

一个雄性大猩猩一生中可能只认识12个其他的雄性,而且都来源于自己的种群。Hill said. A male chimp may know in his lifetime just 12 other males, all from his own group.

另一种猩猩——倭黑猩猩它们喜欢无拘无束的欢闹的进入成年阶段。Now bonobos, the other chimp species, or Pan paniscus, enjoy horsing around well into adulthood.

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而倭黑猩猩是黑猩猩属中的另外一种,他们嬉闹着长大。Now bonobos, the other chimp species, or Pan paniscus, enjoy horsing around well into adulthood.

之后她立即拨打了911报警,然后用切肉刀刺伤了这个黑猩猩,并用铁锹拍打他。She then called 911 before stabbing the chimp with a butcher knife and hitting him with a shovel.

三月四日,雪梨一只母黑猩猩一面给自己的女宝宝哺乳,一面和家人享用早餐。A chimp has breakfast with a family member while her female baby suckles on March 4, 2008, in Sydney.