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白色或类白色结晶性粉末,无气味。White or white crystalline powder, odorless.

无色,无味,不燃,惰性,压缩气体。Colorless, odorless non-flammable, inert compress gas.

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玉米油没有气味,健康多不饱和脂肪含量高。is an odorless oil that's high in healthy polyunsaturated fat.

其中之一是核辐射是无声无色无味的…One reason is because radiation is silent, invisible and odorless.

无噪音,无异味。双色调设计被证明能够更有效吸引蚊子。Silent, odorless. Dual-tone color design is proven to attract more mosquitoes.

我尝试的九种精制种籽油,刚从瓶子里倒出来时几乎没有味道。Fresh out of the bottle, the nine refined seed oils I tested were almost odorless.

在液态和气态时二氧化碳是不可燃、无色、无嗅的。Carbon dioxide is nonflammable, colorless, and odorless in the gaseous and liquid states.

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本实用新型涉及一种无臭味养猪场的装置,属于机械类。The utility model relates to a device for an odorless pig farm, and belongs to machinery.

一半妇女获得了由海藻制成的无臭无味的Carraguard,而另一半获得了安慰剂。Half got Carraguard, a tasteless, odorless gel made out of seaweed, and half got placebos.

内置除味剂架,配合个性化使用,让空气环境更加舒适怡人。Built-in Odor-Clear racks cater to individual needs and create a fresh, odorless living-space.

环保无味再生橡胶采用60目以上精细轮胎胶粉制做而成,是生产环保无味橡胶制品的首选材料。It is the first choice to make odorless rubber products by using above 60-mesh fine rubber power.

市场上有许多种处理尸体的无烟、无臭的焚尸炉出售。Many smokeless, odorless incinerators for disposal of animal carcasses are available commercially.

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甲烷是一种无色,无味,易燃物质,是天然气的重要组成部分。Methane is a colorless, odorless and flammable substance which forms a major component in natural gas.

无色、无味的一氧化碳是一种致命的毒气,每年约有500名无辜群众死于此。Colorless, odorless carbon monoxide is a deadly poison that kills nearly 500 unsuspecting people a year.

面霜最好也使用无臭的消散乳膏,因为油性的化妆品会增加皮肤的负担。Best to also use odorless cream dissipation of cream, because oily skin cosmetics will increase the burden.

如果你的身体有充足的水份,你的尿液就会很清澈而且无味,几乎像水一样,谁会知道?If you're well-hydrated, your urine will be nearly clear and odorless. Almost like water. So who's to know?

然而,许多研究人员对这类无味化学分子在男女相吸引过程中也起作用的观念并不买账。Yet many researchers are not sold on the idea that these odorless compounds play a role in human attraction.

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相反,无味或是塑胶味,那一定是天然纤维毛绒,没能够是皮毛。On the contrary, odorless or plastic taste, it is certainly plush man-made fibers, not likely to be superficial.

盐酸林可霉素是一种白色或几乎白色结晶性粉末,是无味或有微弱的气味。Lincomycin hydrochloride is a white or practically white, crystalline powder and is odorless or has a faint odor.

去除了硫化氢和甲硫醇一类的恶臭物质,处理后的废水无色无臭。Stinking sulfides, such as H2S and CH3SH were eliminated. After treatment, the wastewater was made odorless and colorless.