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编制工作底稿并解释其用途。Prepare a worksheet and explain its usefulness.

我能用工作表做简单的运算。I can make a simple calculation with a worksheet.

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工作流引擎是工单管理系统的核心。The workflow engine is the core of the worksheet system.

您可以将其看作是使用实时数据作为输入的工作表。You can think of it as a worksheet with live data as input.

完成课堂上发的练习册在第11个教学日交。Complete worksheet handed out in class and pass in on day 11.

考虑在分析单内增加进一步的控制措施。Sensible additional controls are then added to the worksheet.

它可以让你通过图表来无限制的创建计划。It allows you to create schemes unrestricted by your worksheet.

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当双击工作表单元格时,该单元格将切换到编辑模式。If you double-click a worksheet cell, the cell changes to edit mode.

勾选此选项则会在每个工作表的顶端显示栏位标头。Check this box to show the column letters across the top of each worksheet.

正如您可以修改工作表行一样,您也可以修改工作表单元格。Just as you can modify worksheet rows, you also can modify worksheet cells.

您可以做的另一件事情是保存工作表并将其发送给其他人。Another thing you can do is save the worksheet and send it to somebody else.

在浏览或编辑工作表信息时可以用到它们。They are useful if you need to view or edit the information in the worksheet.

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支持按照工单属性统计工单量。Statistics of worksheet volume can be counted according to worksheet attributes.

该方案是基于流行电子表格软件的数学规划求优的通用解决方案。This is an approach using mathematical programming based on a popu1ar worksheet.

在右击任意工作表之后,默认的右击操作之前发生。Occurs when any worksheet is right-clicked, before the default right-click action.

如果您对每个工作表条目这样做,您的测试脚本看起来类似于列表6。If you do this to each worksheet item your test case script looks similar to Listing 6.

过滤结果是列表提要只包含满足过滤条件的工作表行。The result is a list feed containing only those worksheet rows that match the filter criteria.

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即使整个进程都是电子化的,我们仍然使用“时间表单”或“工作表单”这样的称谓。Even though the entire process is electronic, we still use the term "timesheet" or "worksheet."

目标工作表必须已经存在,并且必须已经定义了标题行的字段。The target worksheet must already exist and must already have the fields of the header row defined.

本文提供了说明如何分析业务用例和生成设计工作表的示例。This article provided an example of how to analyze the business case and produce a design worksheet.