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他们得到的只是很少的每周津贴和免费的听析课程。They get a small weekly stipend and receive free auditing and coursework.

补助房建得很坚固,居民每年还能拿到不多的津贴。The subsidized housing is solid, and residents receive a small annual stipend.

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梵高也是靠吃不饱的救济粮生活,却把自己的生活津贴花在为矿工们买食物上。He lived on starvation rations 8 and spent his stipend 9 on food for the miners.

数据显示,如果向献血的人提供一定的奖金回报时,献血量就会减少。Data showed that when people were offered a stipend for their donation, less blood was given.

说了这么多,当然也有些志愿者是不需要交任何费用的,甚至还会按月领一些薪酬。Having said all this, some volunteers don't pay anything to volunteer and are also paid a small monthly stipend.

成功的申请者将会获得旅游和住房支持,还有周生活补贴。Successful applicants will be given travel and housing support, as well as a weekly stipend during the ten-week program.

大不列颠的未来女王安妮认为,吉他导师对得起100英镑的年薪——这在当时是很大一笔钱。And the future Queen Anne thought a guitar tutor was worth an annual stipend of pound100, which was a small fortune then.

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我在大学的时候,在学校里十道菜一桌子的饭会比我一个月的生活费花的还要多。When I was in graduate school, a meal for a table of 10 at the campus restaurant would cost more than my monthly stipend.

此外,一些家庭可能选择给下一代成员提供助学金,让他们能够进行自己的学习计划。In addition, a family may choose to provide a stipend to younger members so that they can develop their own learning plans.

庞得贝先生是一个单身汉,所以有一位年纪相当大的太太替他管家,他每年给她一笔报酬。Mr Bounderby being a bachelor, an elderly lady presided over his establishment, in consideration of a certain annual stipend.

这些助学金计划也激励了巴基斯坦等其他发展中国家相继采取了针对性别的资助措施。These stipend programs have inspired other gender-targeted monetary interventions in the developing world, such as in Pakistan.

虽然交通协管工作有些危险,还要在使人窒息的烟雾或者恶劣的天气中,但是他们的月薪只有600元。In spite of working in hazardous conditions, asphyxiating fumes and extreme weather, they receive only a 600 RMB monthly stipend.

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奖学金将包括全部的学费和食宿费用,并按月提供一定数量的补助以满足学生日常书本和消费支出。The scholarship will cover tuition and room and board, and will pay a small monthly stipend to cover books and incidental expenses.

可以认为,助学金补助带来的婚姻推迟,也导致了孟加拉国生育率和儿童死亡率的下降。The delay in marriages induced by the stipend subsidy arguably contributed to lower fertility rates and child mortality rates in Bangladesh.

该法律的另一项规定是每月向被纳入该工程的每位残疾战员提供5万卢旺达法郎津贴。Also included in the legislation framework is the provision of a life-time monthly stipend of 50,000 Rwandese Francs for each person under the scheme.

例如,我们的物理本科奖学金曾经申请不足,但是当我们去年增加每月资助额的时候,我们突然有了很多申请者。For example, our physics BSc scholarship was undersubscribed, but when we increased the monthly stipend last year we suddenly had a lot of applicants.

他最后且大概是最慷慨的金主法兰西斯一世提供了他一个相当轻松的工作、一份优沃的薪水和一栋位于昂布瓦斯皇室附近的庄园。His last and perhaps most generous patron, Francis I provided Leonardo with a cushy job, including a stipend and manor house near the royal chateau at Amboise.

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有。得到助教奖学金的被要求做20小时的教学或研究的工作。所有的助教奖学金都发放薪水,大多数都能减免学费。Yes, assistantship holders are required to teach 20 hours or to do 20 hours of research a week. All assistantships carry a stipend and most provide a tuition waiver.

他最先提出了开设助学金的想法----一种定期为家庭贫穷的孩子提供资金帮助,使其能够上学的现金汇款程序。He is the father of a simple and elegant idea, the Bolsa Escola, a cash transfer program that pays the families of poor children a stipend to enable their children to go to school.

我很高兴我们现在能通过助学金方案培养更多的受过教育的母亲。I am glad we now will have more educated mothers thanks to the stipend program,” says Jan Manzoor, a teacher at the Kaliakoir Pilot Girls High School in Gazipur, northwest of Dhaka.