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山间多河谷盆地。Multi-mountain catchment basins.

流域面积约13534平方公里。Catchment area of about 13534 square km.

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屯门河集水区的总面积为17平方公里。It has a total catchment area of 17 square kilometres.

的林克斯球场在球饲料爱集水区。Love catchment areas on links courses where balls feed.

运河蓄水区一直延伸到了首尔周围的山区。Its catchment area extended to the mountains around Seoul.

阿山顶蓄水坝的前提是山顶的集水区。A hill-top storage dam presupposes a hill-top catchment area.

要知道,在一所好学校的附近上学也并不能保证肯定能被学校录取。Being in the catchment area of a good school is no guarantee of a place.

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结果表明,汇水区面积对总产流起决定性作用。The catchment area played a dominant role in determining surface runoff.

马比拉也是国家湖泊河流重要的水源地。Mabira is also a vital water catchment area for the country's lakes and rivers.

漳泽水库是山西省境内海河流域的一座大型水库。Zhangze Reservoir is a large sized reservoir in Haihe Catchment of Shanxi Province.

香溪河流域河流中树叶分解速率的比较研究。Comparison of leaf decomposing rate in a headwater stream in Xiangxi River catchment.

澜沧江自然保护区为国际著名河流澜沧江的直接汇水区。Mekong river nature reserve is the catchment area of international famous mekong river.

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废水回收系统可以用来灌溉,也可以用来冲厕所。A graywater catchment system could collect reusable water for irrigation and toilet flushing.

花园中设置了一套强力的集水系统,种植屋顶和凯兰崔尔之镜。The garden features a robust water catchment system, planted roofs and the Mirror of Galadriel.

这说明本文所采用的三种水文模型在湿润区流域的适应性高于半湿润区流域。Second, three hydrological models can be adapted to the medium-sized and large-scaled catchment.

两者之差就是城市各雨水径流流域暴雨的积水量。The difference of the above two means the storm water accumulation at each runoff catchment area.

并针对山洪灾害防治规划的小流域单元特点对提取的小流域单元进行分割和归并。Derived small catchment units are further subdivided and merged to meet the requirements of FFDCP.

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漏斗式集流造林技术是黄土丘陵半干旱区旱作林业的一个创新。The funnel shaped catchment afforestation is a new forestry technique in semiarid loess hilly area.

鄂尔多斯盆地周边岩溶分布区由22个汇水面积不等的岩溶地下水子系统组成。The karst groundwater system in Ordos basin consists of 22 sub-systems with various catchment sizes.

森林集水区的贮水潜力大,表现出一定的水生态格局。The storing water capacity of the forest catchment was great, and appeared water distribution pattem.