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易洛魁接受你们的献礼,你刚刚拯救了你的人民。The Iroquois accept your tribute. You have saved your people.

美洲土著易洛魁印第安人就发展了有关释梦的类似思想。Native American Iroquois Indians developed similar ideas about dreams.

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在德国听到过,美国北部的易洛魁印第安人也给我讲过。I've heard it told in Germany, and in North America by the Iroquois Indians.

文章最后考察了北美政治格局的变动对易洛魁部落联盟的影响。At last , we will talk about the effects of the changes in Iroquois politics.

易洛魁的经济结构促进形成了独特的财产观念和职业道德。The structure of the Iroquois economy created a unique property and work ethic.

伊罗奎伊斯族强大的伊罗奎伊斯族住在现美国东北部地区。Iroquois The powerful Iroquois nation lived in what is now the northeastern United States.

幸运的是,当地的印第安人部落帮他们走出了困境,并教他们如何种植当地的植物。Luckily, the local Iroquois tribe helped them out and taught them how to grow local plants.

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第一个是在美国政府的五个国家,或易洛魁联盟。One of the first governments in America was the Five Nations, or the League of the Iroquois.

军士们从Iroquois人的死尸上剥皮,“从臀部往下剥皮,这样可以制作出高的或可以并腿而长的长统靴来。”Troops would skin the bodies of Iroquois from the hips downward to make boot tops or leggings.

莫卧儿帝国,易洛魁人的国家和切诺基民族派别已解锁战争删除雾的发挥。The Mughal Empire, Iroquois Nation and Cherokee Nation factions have been unlocked for play with Fog of War removed.

我们已经看到,易洛魁人和其它印第安人的酋长职位是怎样继承的。In what sense the offices of sachem and chieftain were hereditary among the Iroquois and other Indians, we have already seen.

易洛魁族人主要以耕种为主,尽管他们也以鱼猎来补充他们耕种的玉米,南瓜,豆子。The Iroquois were primarily planters, but supplementing their cultivation of maize, squash, and beans with fishing and hunting.

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而且,Iroquois部落有着高度组织化的政治制度,许多史学家们认为该制度对美国宪法的制定产生过影响。In addition, the Iroquois had an extremely organized political system that some historians think influenced the U.S. Constitution.

纽约州境内四周都为白种人包围的易洛魁人,他们的墓地现在已经绝迹了,但从前是存在过的。Among the Iroquois of New York State, who are hedged in on all sides by white people, this has disappeared, but it existed formerly.

相反地,易洛魁人的女子,把自己姊妹的子女和她自己亲生的子女一概都称为自己的儿子和女儿,而他们都称她为母亲。The Iroquois woman, on the other hand, calls her sisters' children, as well as her own, her sons and daughters, and they call her mother.

在易洛魁人中间,入族典礼在部落议事会的公共集会上举行,实际上已经变为一种宗教仪式。Among the Iroquois the ceremony of adoption into the gens was performed at a public council of the tribe, and therefore was actually a religious rite.

一种公共住宅,尤指易洛魁人的住宅。典型特点是用杆子和树干建成,中间有一条走廊,两侧有各家的房间。A long communal dwelling, especially of the Iroquois , typically built of poles and bark and having a central corridor with family compartments on either side.

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18世纪末19世纪初易洛魁部落联盟兴起的哈德萨姆·雷克宗教运动是易洛魁部落联盟塞内卡族首领哈德萨姆·雷克领导的民族复兴运动。The movement of the religion of Handsome Lake since last 18th century and early 19th century which is lead by Iroquois chief Handsome Lake is a national renaissance.

昂昂达嘎族作为最初的五个民族之一,昂昂达嘎族是伊罗奎伊斯联盟,一支说伊罗奎伊斯语的美洲土著联盟中有影响的部族。Onondaga As one of the original five member nations, the Onondaga were an influential force in the Iroquois Confederation, a league of Iroquoian-speaking Native Americans.

易洛魁族以前居住在伊利湖北岸的易洛魁语系的美国土著民族联盟。A confederacy of Iroquoian-speaking Native American peoples formerly inhabiting the northern shore of Lake Erie. The Neutral were destroyed by the Iroquois in the mid-17th century.