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好吧,杰。Ok. Jin.

我的名字叫陈瑾。My name is Chen Jin.

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你知道金晶吗?Do you know Jin Jing?

她名叫金芳。Her name is Jin Fang.

原来你说的是那个金国。Oh, that State of Jin.

春天的紫堇。The purple Jin in spring.

我从未为陈进辩护。I never defended Jin Chen.

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请给我接金明旅馆好吗?May I have Jin Ming Hotel?

这是我的朋友金芳。This is my friend Jin Fang.

你还知道金庸先生哪?You also know Mr. Jin Yong?

这是金芳,我的朋友。This is Jin Fang, my friend.

你知道金国吗?Do you know the State of Jin?

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我丈夫的名字叫周金桂!My husband name Choi Jin Gui!

晋王追问是什么大礼。The king of jin ask what gift.

金庸作为一名作家而著名。Jin Yong is famous as a writer.

后来,重耳成为晋国的国军。Later he became the king of Jin.

它发源于晋朝。It originated in the Jin Dynasty.

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这部影片是谢晋导演的。The film was directed by Xie Jin.

金弟弟,24,上海一名银行职员Jin Didi, 24, bank clerk, Shanghai

金庸因他的小说而著名。Jin Yong is famous for his novels.