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她只要跑上二十多步,就可消失在大森林中。Twenty steps would effectually bury her in the forest.

站在队伍的前头,这种姿势得到更加充分的表现。In front of the line this showed up even more effectually.

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抑制冗余NAK能有效地避免拥塞出现。Suppressing redundant NAK can effectually avoid the network congestion.

只有这样才能有效地降低医院感染的发病率。We can degrade the incidence rate of hospital infection effectually in this way.

经过在全省各地网络普及,有效地提升了小灵通用户感知度。By gain ground these plans in our province, we advanced the users' sensibility of PHS effectually.

可以有效地突破各种进入障碍和降低高技术产业的风险。It can break effectually through entry obstacle and reduce the venture of high technology industry.

隐性技术知识只有被有效地利用后才能为企业创造价值。Tacit technical knowledge can not create great value for enterprises unless be utilized effectually.

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几年来RSG同轴电磁阀亦有效地满足了高规格的产品要求。Since several years RSG Coaxialvalves are effectually in use wherever high specification is demanded.

选择适当的原料、水刺工艺参数可有效地改善产品的横向断裂强力。Choosing raw materials, spunlaced process properly may improve product cross breaking strength effectually.

优良的氧化安定性,有效抑制油品的高温变稠,具有优良的动力感觉保持性。Perfect oxidation stability restrain effectually the oil from being thicker keeps the good sense of driving.

在第二语言教学中,教师应该正确把握对比分析理论的原则,以便有效地应用该理论。Teachers should grasp Contrastive Analysis well in order to use it effectually in the teaching of second language.

采用一种有效利用白光光源强度的简易实验装置。A simply-built experimental installation, which is able to use effectually the intensity of white-light source, is adopted.

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合理的运动可以有效地控制、调整身体成分,达到健康减肥的目的。Reasonalable exercise can control and regulate effectually body composition, in order to achieving healthy reducing weight.

那感动彼得,叫他为受割礼之人作使徒的,也感动我,叫我为外邦人作使徒For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles

传统水喷淋灭火系统很难扑救有障碍物遮挡的火焰。In fire environments, the traditional fire extinguishing agents can't effectually put out a fire which is sheltered by barrier.

价值工程是一种提高产品、作业或其他投入产出系统价值的有效的管理技术。Value Engineering is a effectually managerial technology of raising products and work or other going into products system value.

结论阿托伐他汀能有效降脂并改善急性脑梗死患者的预后。Conclusion atorvastatin can effectually lower blood fat and improve the prognosis of the patients with acute cerebral infarction.

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多尺度熵分析方法可以有效地区分垂直和倾斜上升管内油水两相流流型。Vertical and inclined upward oil-water two-phase flow patterns can be classified by the method of Multi-scale Entropy effectually.

实验与计算结果表明,改进后的方法能够快速有效地完成匀场过程。The results of experiment and computation indicate that the shimming process can be completed effectually by the reformative method.

一个正在为自己的利益奋斗的人常常比他真正想要为社会谋利时更有效地增进了社会利益。By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the society more effectually than when he really in- tends to promote it.