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请转告芮莱·伯尔,说我想念她。Tell Lorelei Burr I miss her.

也许,在罗雷莱没有人签租约。Perhaps nobody signed leases at the Lorelei.

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她想成为一名作家,她知道智慧的重要性。Lorelei thinks this is a very very good idea.

这就是他妈妈离开这个罗雷莱地洞的原因。That’s why his mother had abandoned this cave under the Lorelei.

然后,我们船上的一个人就用德语唱起了关于莱茵河女妖的歌曲。Then someone on the boat begins to sing in German the song of the Lorelei.

在莱茵河流域,其中一个小镇的名字就是源自美人鱼罗日雷。In the Rhine were to be found the Lorelei from which the town took its name.

路易斯安那州的治安官或者被他无情抛弃的寡妇们都不可能追踪他来到罗雷莱。No sheriff in Louisiana or spurned widow could ever have tracked him to the Lorelei.

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在布朗克斯储蓄银行的贷款帮助下,他买下了罗雷莱公寓,让海伦娜在家里开演奏会。He bought the Lorelei with the help of a Bronx savings bank, had Helena give recitals at home.

德国著名景色点的罗蕾莱礁石,位于科布伦茨和美茵兹两个城镇之间。The famous Lorelei rock — a famous scenic spot in Germany, lies between the towns of Koblenz and Mainz.

豪厄尔笑了,告诉他童年时自己就住在这里,自己的父亲曾经做的就是南多的工作。Howell laughed and told him that he’d lived in the Lorelei as a child, that his own father had once had Nando’s job.

在伤心及失望的同时,他想了解他妻子死亡的原因,于是他开始教他的狗说话。He was so sad and disappointed, that's why he starting to teach Lorelei how to "talk", then he can find out the reason for his wife's death.