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这暖炉烧油。This stove burns oil.

没有烧木柴的炉子?No wood-burning stove?

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那窑炉在哪里呢?Where is the kiln stove?

一具家用小燃气炉。A little calor gas stove.

我的火炉还在燃烧着吗?Did I leave the stove on?

请把暖炉打开。Please turn on the stove.

暖炉使房间温暖起来。The stove heats the room.

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我已让人把炉子生好。I've had the stove lighted.

炉子不通风。The stove doesn't draw well.

他们一起到了煤气炉旁。They raced to the gas stove.

这是一种经济煤炉。This is an economical stove.

我们在炉子上面煮着晚餐。Dinner simmered on the stove.

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没有,但有一台冰箱和一个电炉。No, but a fridge and a stove.

窑炉就在那边啊。The kiln stove is over there.

这是电冰箱还是炉子?Cold is defensed by the stove.

炉的排风机你开了吗?Did you turn the stove fan on?

这个电炉很好煮。The electric stove cooks well.

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炉火炽烈。The stove is burning fiercely.

壁炉使得满屋生暖。The stove makes the room warm.

汤在炉子上煨。The soup simmered on the stove.