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它重重地跌到地上。It landed with a thump.

他的心开始怦怦狂跳。His heart began to thump wildly.

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巴士雅开始砸起门来。Basia began to thump on the door.

这时冰雹狠狠地砸在了屋顶上。Now hailstones thump upon the roof.

贼在他的头上重击一下。The thief hit him a thump on the head.

跳水者在高台边上站稳。He leaped on to the platform with a thump.

砰的一声,木板倒下来了。The plank fell on the ground with a thump.

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第二天清晨,砰砰的马蹄声把我们从睡梦中惊醒。The next morning we wake to the thump of hooves.

我是一只大猩猩,我会捶胸,你会吗?I am a gorilla and I thump my chest. Can you do it?

不多时,他听到一个“砰”的撞击声,什么东西撞到了窗户上。Then he heard a loud thump. Something had hit the window.

他拾起他的重骑兵,重重地放下了它。He picked up his heavy horse and put it down with a thump.

此刻,突然下起了冰雹,乒乒乓乓地砸在屋顶上。At this moment, hailstones happen to thump on the rooftops.

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用拇指和食指紧握原表,在垂直向上拉。Grasp chart with thump and forefinger and pull straight up.

那些她碰松的雪轻轻的埋住了她。The snow that she'd knocked loose buried her with a soft thump.

不知哪里吹来的风,门咔地一声拍上了。Don't know where thump of breeze, Mao ground in the door an claps ascend.

当他碰到干燥的井底,只听到砰的一声和骨头喀嚓折断的声音。There was a simultaneous thump and snap of bone as he hit the well's dry floor.

当他们开车飞速经过希思罗机场时,宾利车里响起了重重的低音节拍。A heavy bass beat began to thump through the Bentley as they sped past Heathrow.

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苦姓老者更是气得吹胡子瞪呀,就差哇哇叫起来。Bitterness surname the old is also spirit thump a beard to stare ah, bad shriek.

小马背着麦子趟着水,“扑通扑通”地过了河,到磨房去了。Pony carried the wheat in the water, "thump thump" crossing the river to the mill.

强劲的捶击按摩功能渗透肌肉组织,有效地减轻酸痛。Strong thump massage function penetration muscle tissue, effectively relieve pain.