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有黑色浆果香,香料味以及果盘的清香。Black fruit , spice and fruit compote dominate the nose.

喜欢的话,可以跟上适量苹果泥一起食用。Sprinkle powdered sugar and serve with apple compote if desired.

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将渍茴香分三个间隔放在盘中。Arrange three mounds of fennel compote on a plate leaving space between each.

将水果置于有底座的碗里,或将混合的各种坚果放在一个果盘里,呈现出一番新的景象。Place fruit in a pedestal bowl or mixed nuts in a compote dish for a new look.

将蔬菜、糖水蔓樾莓球与脆培根、防风草根与薯片摆放在盘子上。Arrange vegetables, a quenelle of cranberry compote and crispy bacon and parsnip crisps.

给予各种成熟浆果的多种芬芳,带有香料和矿物之嗅觉。A very complex aromatic intensity with aromas of ripe compote fruits, spices and mineral nuances.

乳酪蛋糕最上层经常会放些经过处理的美味糊糊或是水果。The topping is frequently sweetened with sugar and flavored or topped with puree or compote of fruit.

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另外,本茶具还可防止茶杯摔落,并能兼作果盘使用。In addition, the multifunctional combined tea set can prevent tea cups from falling down and can be used as compote.

最后在旁边放置一小撮蓝莓果酱,并在顶上糖渍柠檬皮点缀。Decorate with a swipe of lemon curd and a heaped tablespoon of blueberry compote. Top with candied lemon peel strips.

上午9点,露丝已经用花园里的熟草莓和鲜花制作了水果盘,我甚至都不知道我们的花园里有这些东西。By 9 a.m., Ruth had already made compote from old strawberries and picked flowers I didn't even know we had in the garden.

从我们的专家了解如何剥离免费为在这节日食谱视频制作南瓜蜜饯蜜饯南瓜南瓜食谱。Learn from our expert how to peel squash for making butternut squash compote in this free holiday recipe video on making a butternut squash compote recipe.

本文介绍了两种莫尔条纹信号的细分方法。这些方法完成细分值计算的速度快并且占用内存少。This paper introduces two subdivision methods for moire fringe signals. The methods require less internal memories and they can compote the interpolated position values of the signals much faster.