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除非发生意外,我们会去那儿的。Barring accidents, we'll be there.

除你我以外,无人知晓。Nobody else knows, barring you and me.

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除非有意外情况,我们应可按时到达。Barring accidents, we should arrive on time.

不出意外的话,我相信他们会成功的。Barring accidents, I believe they will succeed.

要是不出意外你准可以活到一百岁。Barring accidents, you should live to be a hundred.

若无交通阻塞,我们半小时后可到达。We should arrive in half an hour, barring hold-ups.

除非有奇迹,它可以持续更长的时间。Barring a miracle, it could persist for even longer.

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除去极端的环境不说,很多这些假设不过是借口。Barring extreme circumstances, most of these are just alibis.

对不起!您拨打的用户已设置呼入限制。Sorry! The subscriber you dialed has set barring of incoming calls.

对不起,您拨打的用户已设置呼入限制。Sorry, the subscriber you dialed has set barring of incoming calls.

我要遵守限期,除非是遇到不可预见的偶发事件或者生了病。I'll meet my deadline, barring an unforeseeable accident or illness.

倘无困难,一位法国政客将接任另一位法国政客。Barring embarrassments, one French politician is likely to succeed another.

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该设计方法对国内盘车装置设计有一定的参考价值。The method will be useful to design other type barring devices for specialists.

除非奇迹发生,否则这些“海盗”注定一时半会儿出不了牢笼。Barring a miracle, the "pirates" are destined to remain in prison for a long time.

除了在瑞士的一些州外,高高在上的法官们很少是被多数票选出来的。Barring a few Swiss cantons , the elevation of judges by popular vote is indeed rare.

高速盘车是很容易实现的,而且在国内已经实现了。High speed barring gear is easy to perform and it has already been performed at home.

除非有奇迹发生,最初的投资者的亏损会比后来的投资者少。Barring a miracle, the first investors out would lose less than those going out later.

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排除所有来自于海上的威胁,我们找不到任何生物学的理由来证明它们不可能永生。Barring any sea-borne dangers, there is no biological reason why it can't live forever.

除非达成协议,机票税费将在航空公司和代收票务网站上暂时消失。Barring an agreement, the taxes will disappear from airline and ticket-selling websites.

但决不能因为新移民批评政府的政策,就拒绝他们成为英国国民。But there should be no question of barring people because they criticise government policy.