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谁不喜欢加菲猫?Who doesn't love Garfield?

乔恩现在不,加菲猫。Jon Arbuckle Not now, Garfield.

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加菲猫哦,那是一个廉价的击中。Garfield Oh, that was a cheap shot.

加菲猫我想这是属于你的。Garfield I think this belongs to you.

加菲,你老是在想着你自己。All you think about is yourself, Garfield.

拟人化的加菲猫很有意思!Personated Garfield gives us a lot of fun.

他四下看了看,认出了矮子加菲尔德。He looked around and spotted Garfield the Dwarf.

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加菲猫是漫画家吉姆·维斯的笔下产物。Garfield is the creation of cartoonist Jim Davis.

这部电影的主角是两只加菲猫。The two Garfield cats are the heroes of this film.

当加菲猫称体重时,智能磅会怎么说?。What will the scale say when Garfield stands on it?

加菲猫是只自私又懒惰的超级大胖猫。Garfield is a selfish, lazy, and incredibly fat cat.

加菲猫太可爱了,我很快就被它迷住了。Garfield is so cute! I fell quickly under its spell.

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加菲尔德否认他曾给康克林任何承诺。Garfield denied he had promised anything to Conkling.

乔恩与莉兹碰头后告诉了她奥迪和加菲都失踪了。Jon meets Liz and tells her Odie and Garfield have been gone.

加菲尔德否认他曾给康克林任何承诺。Garfield denied he had promisedeverythinganything to Conkling.

加菲早上在街上碰到了好友毛毛。Garfield meets his friend Nermal on the street in the morning.

加菲,我决定要改改我对早晨的态度了。I' ve decided to change my attitude toward mornings, Garfield.

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如果詹姆士.加菲尔德死了,切斯特.亚瑟就会成为美国总统。If James Garfield died, Chester Arthur would become president.

我们把加菲留在这儿一会,我有点私事想和你谈谈。Let's get Garfield in for his dip. I wanna talk to you in private.

加菲尔德任命布莱恩为国务卿,从而赢得了他的支持。Garfield won Blaine's support bynaimgnaming him Secretary of State.