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天天有个新爱好,你就不会陷入消沉情绪。A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away.

需要一个强力的清醒方法来战胜困倦低迷症?Need to a turbo boost to beat sleepy doldrums pinch?

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“抑郁症的低落情绪就是一个邪恶的怪圈,”Kaslow解释到。"Depression doldrums are a vicious cycle, " Kaslow explains.

在约什-史密斯职业生涯的头三个赛季里,亚特兰大老鹰是一支鱼腩球队。The first three seasons of Smith's career, Atlanta was in doldrums.

另外,阿富汗和伊拉克两场战争的影响,似乎美国依然走不出低潮。The Afghan and Iraq war's bad influence seemed to put the US in the doldrums.

但斯彭斯表示,这些并不足以提振停滞的全球经济。But Spence said that's not enough to lift the global economy out of the doldrums.

虽然经济形势低迷,稀有动物真皮与仿皮的地位仍然牢不可破。Authentic and faux exotics are here to stay despite the current economic doldrums.

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未来一段时间内,就业市场可能持续停留在衰退期,巴伯拉先生说。The job market is likely to remain in the doldrums for many months, Mr. Barbera said.

虽然经济形势低迷,稀有动物真皮与仿皮的地位仍然牢不可破。Exotics Authentic and faux exotics are here to stay despite the current economic doldrums.

另外,阿富汗和伊拉克两场战争的影响,似乎美国依然走不出低潮。The Afghan and Iraq war's bad influence Ray Ban 2140 seemed to put the US in the doldrums.

与其它米兰球员一样,博列洛认为球队走出低迷的关键一点就是团结。Milan and the other players, Borriello team out of the doldrums that the key point is unity.

里根总统当年是怎么从两年的低迷期恢复到1984年大选票获得连任的呢?How did Reagan recover from his two-year doldrums and win re-election by a landslide in 1984?

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另一方面,经过了过去3个季度的轮胎的热销,下游销售市场疲态渐显。On the other hand, after the hot sale of last 3 months, the marketing is in the doldrums now.

在去年经济低迷时期,周末游占到了美国假期出游的一半。Last year, with the economy still stuck in the doldrums , it accounted for almost half of all U.

不过,研究人员最近公布了十点行动计划,以此帮助年轻妈妈走出忧郁的泥淖。But now researchers have revealed a ten-point action plan to help young mums out of the doldrums.

这就是在三月低谷期打球的一部分,因为你已经打了那么多的比赛,。That's part of the March doldrums that you get in this game because of the amount of games you play.

然而,在劳工节之后,投资者们开始担忧,夏季市场的萧条也正式结束了。After Labor Day, however, investors get serious and the summer market doldrums officially come to an end.

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但是专家质疑在经济不景气的时候,人们对电动汽车能有多大的兴趣。But experts question how much interest there will be for electric cars while the economy is in the doldrums.

现代知识分子的忧郁和自卑,使他们时时怜惜自身,甚至厌恶自身。The doldrums and the self-humiliation made them take pity on themselves and even be disgusted of themselves.

与在形成鲜明对比的是大公司良好的业绩低迷,中国概念股。With the Chinese concept stocks in the doldrums in sharp contrast to the good performance of major companies.