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小右是有意识的。Righty is aware.

有创造力的。Righty is creative.

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有理性。Righty is rational.

有计划。Righty makes plans.

有知觉的。Righty is conscious.

有自由意志。Righty has free will.

他是个右投手。He's a righty pitcher.

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小右是冒名顶替的。Righty is an imposter.

你是左撇子还是用右手?。Are you a lefty or a righty?

小左和小右分别醒来。Lefty and Righty both wake up.

但小右也会说,拜托。But Righty will also say,Give me a break.

小左去了加利福尼亚,小右去了佛蒙特。Lefty goes to California.Righty moves to Vermont.

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我们可以说小左是。Shelly Kagan We could say Lefty is Shelly Kagan and Righty is not.

右脚喜欢穿花哨的鞋子,而左脚只喜欢穿雨天的胶鞋。Righty dreams of wearing fancy footwear, but Lefty swears by galoshes.

现在我们需要看看我们人类自己是否用右手做手势的时候多于用左手的时候。Now, we should see for ourselves if we gesticulate more righty than lefty.

我在一侧玩两只手并且最后决定和右撇子玩。I played with two hands on one side and finally decided to play with righty.

右脚和左脚是一对可爱的小伙伴,可是他们似乎在每件事情上都意见不统一。Righty and Lefty, an adorable pair of feet, can´t seem to agree on anything.

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带有Shelly,Kagan右脑的Smith的躯体叫做小右。Smith's torso with the right half of Shelly Kagan's brain,let's call him Righty.

小左和小右,都拥有Shelly,Kagan的一部分灵魂。Each one of Lefty and Righty has one of the pieces of the split Shelly Kagan soul.

在本案例中,小左和小右都有足够的大脑。And in this case,both of Lefty and Righty seem to have enough of Shelly Kagan's brain.