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别忘了在我的毕业纪念册上签名留念。Don't forget to sign my yearbook.

本学年校刊将于五月二十日出刊。The yearbook will be published on May 20.

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这个人是?就是我,这是我的大学年鉴照片。That's me -- this is my college yearbook photo.

我愿意加入学校年刊筹备小组。I'm willing to be a volunteer in preparing for TCS yearbook.

加入俱乐部,校园广播站,年鉴编撰,大学生联谊会或是大学女生联谊会。Join a club, campus radio station, yearbook staff, frat, or sorority.

想象一下你过去在年鉴本上画的涂鸦,你就会有所领会。Think of the doodles you used to make in your yearbook and you’ll get the idea.

我正在为哈佛的孩子们开发一个在线年鉴,但是我想把这个项目扩张。I'm developing an online yearbook for Harvard kids now, but I'm thinking of expanding it.

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文章的原始数据均来自统计年鉴及政府环境公告。The original data come from the statistical yearbook and government environmental notice.

Obama和同班同学在1979年校鉴中的合影。Obama and the rest of his homeroom class pose for a portrait for the 1979 school yearbook.

如果你想知道你的婚姻会不会持久,那么去看一看你的配偶每年拍的照片集。If you want to know whether your marriage will survive, look at your spouse's yearbook photos.

最后,所做的研究是,30年后大学年鉴上人们的照片。Finally, studies have been done of college yearbook photos looking at people thirty years later.

安全逃出后,请留在外面,千万不要有回到火场抢救高中同学录的荒谬想法。Once you get out safely, stay out. Don't get any lame ideas about saving your high school yearbook.

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北京市统计局,国家统计局北京调查总队。北京统计年鉴2008。Beijing Municipal Bureau Statistics, NBS Survey Office in Beijing. Beijing Statistical Yearbook 2008

并取得一定成绩,作品一度入编中国广告年鉴。And has achieved considerable success, the work was allocated to the Yearbook of China's advertising.

年鉴上照片上或者家庭合影上一个难看的表情也许不仅仅代表了一时的心情不爽。A GRIM expression in a yearbook photo or family snapshot could mean more than just a passing bad mood.

他时常相信更好的时期在向方,这在他高中的年鉴词条被反映出来。He always believed better times laying ahead, and this was reflected in his high school yearbook entry.

第一只直立行走的猴子和编纂汤姆·布洛考和亚伯拉罕·林肯年鉴的人。The first monkey to walk upright, and who then worked on the yearbook with Tom Brokaw and Abraham Lincoln.

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资料来源于J县医疗机构2009年财务报表等以及关键人物访谈。The data sources are derived from J county hospital's financial yearbook in 2009 and key person interviews.

资料来源于2009年S县卫生财务年报数据库,并开展了关键人物访谈。The data sources are derived from S county's health financial yearbook in 2009 and the key person's interviews.

年鉴,是系统汇辑上一年度重要文献信息、逐年编纂并连续出版的资料性工具书。Yearbook is a kind of material reference book that is compiled the important document information of each passing year.