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您得到袜子专柜去买。You can get them at the hosiery department.

衣服、裤子、袜子、鞋子统统一种颜色。Dress, or pants and hosiery and shoes all one color.

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这批新到的针织品完全符合规格。This last consignment of hosiery is quite up to standard.

我家在英国莱斯特拥有一家大型制袜公司。My family owned a large hosiery manufacturing company in Leicester, England.

在1952年加盟现在这家公司之前,他曾经营袜类生产厂。Before joining the candy manufacturer way back in 1952, he ran a hosiery maker.

我欢迎有机会向您介绍我们的产品线袜和袜子。I would welcome the opportunity to introduce you to our line socks and hosiery.

经编、纬编、弹力袜、机织、无缝内衣、松紧布、纸尿布等。Warp Knit, Circular Knit, Hosiery , Weaving, Seamless, Narrow Fabric, Diaper etc.

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这城市长期为纺织,花边和针织内衣的制造业中心。The city has long been a center for the manufacture of textiles, lace, and hosiery.

从头到脚只穿一种颜色。衣服、裤子、袜子、鞋子统统一种颜色。Wear one color from head to toe. Dress, or pants and hosiery and shoes all one color.

布鲁克还做了大量的商业泳装,运动装和针织品建模。Brook has also done a large amount of commercial swimwear, sportswear and hosiery modeling.

本文阐述了电子提花织袜机的嵌入式控制装置系统的设计。This paper expounds the design of embedded control system for the electronic hosiery machine.

本文探讨了在单系统横机上编织添纱组织的方法。This article deals with the method adapting single-feed flat machine for knitting plaited hosiery.

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希望能够对大唐袜业今后国内市场营销工作有一定的借鉴和指导意义。I hope this essay can be a reference and a guide to the future domestic marketing of Datang Hosiery.

从硬件和软件两个方面介绍了所设计的袜机电子提花控制器。The electronic jacquard controller designed for hosiery machine is introduced in terms of hardware and software.

针织纱被纺成具有更少的捻度,以获得最大膨松结构,并具有相当强力适于加工。Hosiery yarns are spun with even less twist to attain maximum bulk consistent with adequate strength for processing.

她还是不知道怎么办才好。到后来,特里贝兹密尔斯的袜厂突然关门大吉,永远不开了。She did not quite see what was to be done until the hosiery factory at Trippetts Mills suddenly closed, never to reopen.

可以想象,中国货通过沃尔玛的倾销,将对卢迪亚纳和蒂鲁布尔的针织品和毛织品生产商造成多大的伤害。One can well imagine what a Walmart pipeline will do to the hosiery and woollen goods manufacturers in Ludhiana and Tiruppur.

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我们公司位于义乌,生产棉、毛、尼龙等混纺的男袜、女袜、童袜及其他针织产品。Located in Yiwu, we produce a wide variety of socks and hosiery items in a cotton-woolen-nylon blend for men, women, and children.

正大和他的前身普利袜厂是东安市场早期唯一的针织品的厂子。Zhengda Hosiery Mill, and its predecessor, Puli Hosiery Mill, was the sole knitwear mill in Dong'an Bazaar which was in its earlier stage.

分析了提花袜机实现电脑控制的基本原理和要求,详细阐述了袜机单片机智能控制系统的硬件组成和软件程序的设计方法。The control principle and demands for hosiery machine are analyzed. Also, the hardware and the software of the control system are discussed.