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狂热的想知道每个消息关于你。Zealot for every news of you.

我本人虽然也相信指数投资,但还没那么狂热。I am an index believer, but not a zealot.

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狂热者建造时间38秒削减至33秒。Zealot build time decreased from 38 to 33 seconds.

我的快乐计划曾把我变成了一个十足的睡眠爱好者。My happiness project has turned me into a sleep zealot.

现在狂徒的力量已经远远超出了他们所能承受的科技范围。Yet a zealot is far more than the technology they bear.

所以作为专家,我有点过分狂热了。So I'm a bit of a zealot on that as a particular expertise.

奥列芬特在此不动声色地暗示,伯尔顿是个思想狭隘的狂热分子。Oliphant is quietly suggesting that Bolton is a narrow-minded zealot.

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他是打算让更多的男人减肥的计划中的一部分,同时他也成为一个狂热拥趸。He's part of a plan to get more men on the diet and has become a zealot.

马太和多马,亚勒腓的儿子雅各,和奋锐党的西门。Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Simon who was called the Zealot.

三小时后,警方逮捕了斯考特-罗德,一名反堕胎的狂热者。Three hours later, the police arrested Scott Roeder, an anti-abortion zealot.

这位艺术热心者奉献他一生来完成一伟幅大的作品。The artistic zealot devoted his life to the completion of a great masterpiece.

无论过去还是现在,总有一个宗教狂热份子宣称末日就要来临了。Every now and then a prominent religious zealot proclaims that the end is nigh.

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五月,一狂热的反堕胎分子在堪萨斯州一所教堂外枪杀美国著名堕胎医生。In May an anti-abortion zealot murdered a prominent abortion doctor at his church in Kansas.

我儿子是一个狂热的海盗队球迷,平时太阳晒屁股了都不起来,这次定会从床上跳起来!My son, a Viking zealot who normally can't get out of bed till noon, will leap for this one!

每一个狂徒都要经过数十年的格斗对战,战术训练,疼痛忍耐和尚武精神的培养。Each zealot is trained for decades in hand-to-hand combat, tactics, pain tolerance and martial discipline.

每个狂热者要经过数十年的格斗、战术、忍受痛苦和军事纪律的训练。Each Zealot is trained for decades in hand to hand combat, tactics , pain tolerance and martial discipline.

在大尺寸的地图上,如果没有足够的运气,只派一个机枪兵或者一个叉兵,要花很长时间才能探到敌方据点。On large maps, only one Marine or Zealot will take forever to explore the map and find the enemy unless you get lucky.

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从据称是这名嫌疑人在互联网上发布的信息中,开始出现了一个右翼狂热分子的形像。A profile of a right-wing zealot is beginning to emerge from information the suspect allegedly published over the Internet.

郝京妮希望杨曼莉别管本人跟徐嘉惠的事情,一个男人处处被妈妈管,这个男人还有什么长进?Forced to do so. Holloway's YangManLi leave I hope Beijing with XuJiaHui thing, a man everywhere, this man was mother tube what zealot?

我的快乐方案让我变成一个睡眠狂热者,如果我想感觉快乐,平静,有活力,思维灵敏,我必须有充足的睡眠。My happiness project has turned me into a sleep zealot. If I want to feel happy, calm, energetic, and mentally sharp, I must get enough sleep.