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伏特加,柠檬汁,胡椒,盐,辣椒水,番茄汁。Vodak, Lemon juice, pepper, salt, Tabasco Tomato juice.

姜汁醋,香油大蒜汁,柠檬角,辣椒仔。Ginger and Vinegar, Garlic Sesame oil, Lemon Wedge, Tabasco.

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尽管世界各地的配方都不相同,但普遍偏爱添加山葵调味剂和塔巴斯哥辣酱油。Recipes vary around the world, with some preferring to horseradish and Tabasco.

清洁并续满所有的胡椒瓶、盐瓶、辣椒酱、糖缸及其他调料。Refill and clean all salt and peppers, Tabasco , sugar bowls, and other condiments.

辣沙司或热的东西对于宿醉效果很好,没有人知道为什么。Tabasco sauce or anything hot is great during a hangover and no one really knows why.

两年之后他为他的发明申请了专利,之后Mcllhenny家族就一直经营着塔巴斯科这个品牌。Two years later he got a patent, and the McIlhenny family has been running the Tabasco brand ever since.

如果你以为你将要听到塔巴斯科辣沙司最初发明出来是用来做加农炮的润滑剂以及某种化学武器的,放轻松点。If you're thinking that you're about to hear Tabasco sauce was originally brewed as a cannon lubricant or some kind of chemical weapon, relax.

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辣椒,包括朝天椒,辣椒和卡宴辣椒,其辛辣味来自果实内部的辣椒素化合物。The pungency of hot peppers including tabasco chili and cayenne peppers comes from the compound capsaicin in the internal partitions of the fruit.

塔巴斯哥政府官员安德烈格兰尼说,周四有30万被困民众等待救援,警察、士兵和军方工作者正试图接近他们。Tabasco governor Andres Granier said 300,000 were awaiting rescue on Thursday, and police, soldiers and military workers were still trying to reach them.

大多数专家先前提到的,都是在塔巴斯科海湾州托土盖罗遗址的一块石碑上,玛雅人用象形文字刻下的那个日期。Most experts had cited only one surviving reference to the date in Mayan glyphs, a stone tablet from the Tortuguero site in the Gulf coast state of Tabasco.

这种酒由番茄汁、伏特加、柠檬片或青柠片、辣根、塔巴斯科酱汁、沃赛斯特郡酱汁、黑胡椒、芹菜盐调和而成。A mix of tomato juice and vodka, along with lemon or lime, horseradish, Tabasco and Worcestershire sauces, black pepper and celery salt, the Bloody Mary packs a punch.

英国一家印度餐馆创造了一枚复活节彩蛋,据称比咖喱肉辣十倍,相当于400瓶塔巴斯哥辣沙司。An Indian restaurant in Britain has created an Easter egg which it says is up to ten times hotter than a vindaloo curry or the equivalent of 400 bottles of Tabasco sauce.

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新的食品袋可以保质18个月,内有干食品和袋装加热食品,还有小包装调料和小瓶极辣的辣椒酱。Each ration pack has an 18-month shelf life and includes a mixture of dry foods and boil-in-the-bag pouches, as well as sachets of seasoning and tiny bottles of Tabasco sauce.

洪水线已经冲垮了塔吧思卡的海岸沿线,食物和水已经匮乏,卫生署官员提醒人们预防霍乱和其他水传播疾病。With floodwaters stretching clear across the Gulf coast state of Tabasco and food and drinking water scarce, health officials warned against cholera and other waterborne diseases.

而在两年前,这所坐落在塔巴斯科州州府Villahermosa西部平原的学校还以四座“帕拉帕”作为教室,持续遭到恶劣天气的极大影响。Up until two years ago, the school located in the savannah, west of the Tabasco state capital of Villahermosa, consisted of four palapas, which were continuously hit by bad weather.