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油漆和涂料。Paint and stain.

刷吃水标记。Paint draft marks.

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左手开始画圈。He begins to paint.

我打算给它刷油漆。I'm go to paint it.

把这个门漆成红色。Paint the door red.

不要画蛇添足。Don't paint the lily.

油漆擦不掉。Paint won't wipe off.

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那颜料的颜色不相配。That paint doesn't go.

房子正在刷油漆。House isbrushing paint.

我一直想画画儿。I always want to paint.

那个红漆木盒!That red paint wood box!

空气里散发着油漆味。The air smells of paint.

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还是云染白了雪?Or cloud paint the snow ?

我们在美术室里画油画。We paint in the art room.

不要浓妆艳抹。Don't paint on the makeup.

一起涂指甲油.Paint your nails together.

门上油漆成粉末状剥落。The door paint dusted off.

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油漆还是黏的。The paint is still sticky.

是雪染白了云?Does snow paint the cloud ?

那你平时都画些什么呀?What do you normally paint?