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你轻率的回答令我懊恼。The flippancy of your answer peeved me.

就在这一时刻,我看到了自己曾经的浮躁,这让我无地自容。Gradually, I find my flippancy and it made me ashamed.

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他因言行轻浮而失去朋友的尊重。He was disconsidered with his friends for his flippancy.

玩世不恭的幽默使她的评论更加有趣。His flippancy make it difficult to have a decent conversation with him.

他们指责她在报道他们国家的事件时轻率而主观。They accused her of flippancy and subjectivity in her reporting of events in their country.

对外人而言,我们的习惯可能会是轻率的和纪律松懈的表现。To those outside the company, it may be interpreted as a sign of flippancy or lax discipline.

李蓓佳的机智、聪明和油嘴滑舌使她很快就在伦敦的一群人中走俏。Rebecca's wit, cleverness, and flippancy made her speedily the vogue in London among a certain class.

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对外人而言,我们的习惯可能会是轻率和纪律松懈的表现。明白吗?To the outside world, our custom may be interpreted as a?sign of flippancy or lax discipline. Get it?

没有哗众取宠,没有流行的视觉暴力,没有生存的压力和市场的喧哗带来的浮躁。No grandstanding, no visual violence, no depression and flippancy coming from actual life exist in his works.

我为爱日本的文化故,不愿这个轻薄成为日本民族性之一。Because I deeply admire Japanese culture, I hope that this flippancy will not become one of Japan's national characteristics.

有的公司严肃正式,称呼一律要带上“先生、女士”等字样,有的则很宽松,直呼名字就可以了。Ms. or whatever is appropriate. To those outside the company, it may be interpreted as a sign of flippancy or lax discipline.

这一突破,有实践的需要,亦有立法的浮躁性带来的困惑。This breakthrough results from the need in practice, yet it involves certain puzzlement brought about by flippancy in legislation.

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装修装饰趋于简化,然而每一件家具及饰品必定经过认真地挑选,纯粹而无杂质,自由而不放纵,高雅而不浮躁。Simplify the ornaments by deliberate selection of elements that leads pure and clean, free but no indulgence, elegant but no flippancy.

一批极为年轻的财富新贵的出现颠覆了人们的陈旧观念。Youth is stealthily equal to wealth.People's original idea about them?they are typical of flippancy and disobedience?has been overthrows.

在这每个角落都充斥着浮躁的时代,物质的追求和成功的向往被提到从未有过的高度。Each corners are full of flippancy ages here, pursuing of material with succeed of look forward to to be spoken of have never had of height.

因此,对于需要继续生存下去的网络公司来说,如何摆脱以往的喧嚣和浮躁所带来的经济泡沫,切切实实地寻找新的盈利模式,通过自己的业务赚钱显得至关重要。So to the network companies who need to keep on survival, it is very important to get rid of the economical foam brought by the uproar and flippancy before and to find the new payoff mode.

小说中一个叫梅季的女孩在纽约贫民窟的大环境下沦落、死亡,揭示社会现实的不稳定性与主体心理浮躁之间的必然联系。The fall and death of a girl named Maggie in the slum of New York City reveal the necessary connection between the instability of the social reality and the psychological flippancy of people.