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国会大刀阔斧地削减预算。Congress axed the budget.

议会再颁布了那个法律。Congress reenacted the law.

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我要求国会延长这一权力的有效期限。I ask Congress to renew it.

在1999年,国会赞成。In 1999, Congress assented.

国会否决了这项议案。Congress voted the bill down.

在国会中也有不少。Neither have some in Congress.

他们都有权选举国会议员。They get to vote for congress.

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谁选举美国国会?。Who elects the U. S. Congress?

国会休会一天。Congress adjourned for one day.

国会遂对日本宣战。Congress declared war on Japan.

国会开会之地点。The place where Congress meets.

国会批准了国家预算。The congress approved the budget.

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可视通信会议?。VCC?Visual Communication Congress?

国会已颁布了一项新的税法。Congress has enacted a new tax law.

国会是一个两院制的立法机关。Congress is a bicameral legislature.

国会被授权征税。Congress is empowered to levy taxes.

多么英武神勇的国会啊!What a big, brave Congress they are!

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国会对该计划未提供足够的资金。Congress has underfunded the program.

他敦促国会采取负责任的行动。He urged Congress to act responsibly.

他们强使国会通过一项法案。They bulled a bill throught Congress.