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我封你为兰斯洛特骑士。I dub thee Sir Lancelot.

兰斯洛特同意将他培养为骑士。Lancelot agreed to make him a knight.

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兰斯洛特对国王和王后非常尽职。Lancelot served his king and queen well.

兰斯洛特惊呆了,赶紧问发生了什么事。The astounded Lancelot asked what had happened.

蓝斯络爵士与您相会在空中。Sir Lancelot Khan gonna meet you on the air tonight in Taipei.

在亚瑟的宫廷里,朗斯洛开始与王后圭内维尔相爱。Lancelot and Guenevere, the queen, fell in love at Arthur’s court.

兰斯洛特爵士跟随女孩来到了森林里,他们在一个教堂前停了下来。Sir Lancelot followed the girl to the forest. They stopped at a church.

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朗斯洛还杀死了几个反对他诱拐王后的骑士。Lancelot killed several of his fellow knights after they found him with the queen.

肯特和兰斯洛特“能力”布朗这个园林先进思想。William Kent and Lancelot "Capability" Brown advanced this landscape garden thought.

亚瑟死后,朗斯洛去找圭内维尔,得知她已经进了修道院。Lancelot returned to Britain after Arthur's death and learned that Guenevere had become a nun.

朗斯洛与伊莲有一私生子名叫加拉哈德,后来成了最著名的圆桌骑士之一。Lancelot and Elaine had an illegitimate son, Galahad, who became a famous knight of the Round Table.

梅林协助亚瑟王子寻找湖上骑士兰斯洛特,亚瑟通过维安的考验,兰斯洛特成为亚瑟的第一骑士。Merlin help Arther find Lancelot , Arther passed the test, and Lanceot become Arther's first knight.

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朗斯洛爵士是亚瑟王朝廷中最骁勇善战的圆桌骑士。Sir Lancelot was the finest knight in the court of King Arthur, a bravest and most skillful fighter.

正当亚瑟在法国与朗斯洛作战时,莫德雷德篡夺了王位,甚至要娶圭内维尔为妻。While Arthur was fighting Lancelot in France, Modred seized his kingdom and attempted to marry Guinevere.

亚瑟王发现朗斯洛与妻子私通后,这对情人仓皇逃到朗斯洛的城堡。After Arthur discovered the love affair between Lancelot and his wife, the lovers fled to Lancelot’s castle.

亚瑟一直追到法国,但听到莫德雷德反叛的消息,匆忙返回。Arthur pursued Lancelot to France but went back to Britain after learning that Modred had seized his kingdom.

一个叫做伊莲的美丽姑娘也爱上了朗斯洛,但朗斯洛很快抛弃了她。伊莲由于失恋,郁郁而终。Lancelot was also loved by Elanine, a beautiful girl, but he soon deserted her and she died of a broken heart.

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奥特斯夫妇说他们不能肯定这个兰斯洛特因可儿会和他们以前的兰斯洛特有同样的性格。The Ottos say they can't be sure that Lancelot Encore will have the same personality as their original Lancelot.

于是,邻国国王释放了亚瑟,兰斯洛特和女巫也举行了隆重的婚礼。And so it was, the neighboring monarch granted Arthur his freedom and Lancelot and the witch had a wonderful wedding.

不幸的是,亚瑟生命中的至爱,格温娜维尔王后,爱上了他的最著名的骑士,兰斯洛特爵士而背叛了他。Sadly, the love of Arthur's life, Queen Guinevere, betrayed him by falling in love with his most famous knight, Sir Lancelot.