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营火继续燃烧了几个钟头The bonfire blazed away for hours.

我们支上帐篷,生起篝火。We set up a tent and made a bonfire.

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那些女战士有阻止营火排吗?。Did the amazons stop the bonfire platoon?

篝火几乎燃烧了整个晚上。The bonfire flamed almost all the evening.

他们收到的钱都花在烟火要在“篝火之夜”。At night, we had bonfire and sang and danced.

干草与旧垃圾则被扔入篝火之中。Hay and old rubbish is thrown into the bonfire.

在篝火之夜,切尔西中场防守稳固。By Bonfire Night, Chelsea were firmly mid-table.

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可能是不死人的薪火,被献祭于篝火。Perhaps cinders of Undead, sacrificed to the bonfire.

晚餐后,观民族歌舞,参加篝火晚会。After supper, national song and dance, attend a bonfire.

有时候站在古柳下面点起篝火。Occasionally a bonfire would be set under an old willow.

闪闪发光的铜色,像五月的篝火般闪耀。Sparkly copper, shimmery and flashy like a bonfire in May.

抛掉了所有旧书刊,将珍贵的古籍,统统抛入火里They throw all kinds of old books, great old books, onto the bonfire.

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我,男人,篝火,你必须烤些棉花糖,我是正常的。i man luvly bonfire u must roast some marshmellows I mean that's NOrMal.

篝火驱散寒冷,我们的团结可以驱散敌人。As a bonfire dispels chilliness, so our solidarity drives away the enemy.

他们出不起这笔钱,因此做了个假的篝火来代替。They say they can't afford it and have made an artificial bonfire instead.

我领悟到秋天野火飘过我们市镇的烟味,不禁勾起了乡思。To the nostalgia of bonfire smoke as it drifts through our town in autumn.

在西班牙南部的马拉噶镇,一个女人把一个东西投入篝火中。A woman throws an object into a bonfire on a beach in Malaga, southern Spain.

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今晚就用安德里老公的书,在加伊亚广场②放焰火吧!We'll make a bonfire to-night in the Champs-Gaillard with Matre Andry's books!

突然,山下传来欢叫声,我俯视山谷,那里升起了篝火。Suddenly, I heard the whimper , looked down the hollow and noticed the bonfire.

突然,山下传来欢叫声,我俯视山谷,那里升起了篝火。Suddenly, Yamashita was happy, I look down the Valley, there rises the bonfire.