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他们有一把低音吉他、一架钢琴、一管萨克斯和打击乐器。They had a bass and a piano and a sax and percussion.

在克林顿萨克斯风吹到昏倒以前,他还死不了。Bill Clinton won't be dead until he's laid out with his sax.

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发明萨克斯风的阿道夫.萨克斯也是比利时人。The inventor of the saxophone, Adolphe Sax also hails from Belgium.

我的萨克斯管搭裆莱尼·伽蒙特成了尼克松总统的律师。And my fellow sax player, Lenny Garment, became President Nixon's lawyer.

考德威尔的动机开始就高音萨克斯在此期间增加一倍。Caldwell was motivated to begin doubling on tenor sax during this period.

吹萨克斯管是哈里的主意,他为我想到的绝妙主意还有很多。The sax argument was Harrys idea, not the last clever one he would think up for me.

年轻人解释说,这个葫芦丝就是美国的萨克斯。The young man explained, the bottle gourd silk is the United States of America Sax.

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拿着报纸你就有机会表达自己,就像库特拉尼拿着萨克斯风那样。Holding a newspaper frees you to express yourself, sort of like holding a sax did for Coltrane.

“现在,戴安明感觉到很鼓舞”,当我上一个春天在旧金山碰到萨克斯时他这么向我解释说到。“Now Damien feels encouraged, ” Sax explained to me when I first met him last spring in San Francisco.

最终,我只好换了一个1935年的塞尔曼牌雪茄切刀外形的萨克斯管,可那把佩剑却是没有什么可以替代的。Eventually I replaced the sax with a 1935 Selmer cigar cutter model, but the sword proved irreplaceable.

但是随著科技发达,萨克斯风的颜色已经持续在增加当中,甚至有彩色的萨克斯风。However, with new technologies, the numbers of colors have increased and even includes a multicolor sax.

拥有良好的高频响应,音色可以参照笛子或萨克斯之类的管乐器。Audible breath sounds in woodwinds and reeds such as flute or sax. Good response in the upper mids or highs.

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没有征兆,呼吸自如,也没有其它不适——按理说,作为一名单簧管吹奏者和萨克斯管乐手,有病的话早该发现症状了。I had no symptoms, no difficulty breathing or anything like that—and as a clarinetist and sax player, I'd have noticed.

出乎大家所料,我从纽约公共图书馆里借来的那些书,并非年轻萨克斯管乐手的必读书目。The books I borrowed from the New York Public Library weren' t necessarily what you'd expect to find a young sax player reading.

当我回忆起他那英俊的脸,回忆起他那拨弄着萨克斯的优雅的棕色手指,都会确信这一点。When I call up that beautiful face and those elegant cocoa-brown fingers running along the sax 's keys, I am always convinced of it.

从许多古希腊文献中可以发现,很多知名人士都曾身处于这种关系中,比如希罗多德,柏拉图,色诺芬,苏格拉底等。We can discover from documents many well-known writers, Herodotus, Plato, Xenophon, Socrates, etc. , were involved in the same- sax relation.

这种明显的不同,萨克斯争论说这是一种硬连线,这导致了老师们赞扬女孩的美术作品,就使得男孩们觉得他们画错了。This apparent difference, which Sax argues is hard-wired, causes teachers to praise girls' artwork and make boys feel that they're drawing incorrectly.

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傅满洲是英国作家萨克斯·儒默创作的文学人物,是他于1913年到1959年出版的13部系列小说的主角。Fu Manchu is a literature character created by English novelist Sax Rohmer, who wrote thirteen novels with Fu Manchu as protagonist between 1913 and 1959.

在那以后,他读了一篇由萨克斯写的杂志文章,觉得他的领悟将会帮助提升福利的这些通过大量测验但收获甚少的一班人,其中少数是男孩。After that, she read a magazine article by Sax and thought that his insights would help improve the test scores of Foley’s lowest-achieving cohort, minority boys.

指出SAX模型评价标准在使用过程中要注意与实验设计和任何改进措施的费用效益分析相结合。It was recommended that the assessment standard of SAX should be considered with the experiment designing plan and the cost benefit analysis of any improving measures.