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有没有口臭和狐臭呀?Have halitosis and body odor?

口臭有治疗办法吗?Does halitosis have remedial idea?

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怎么样才能治疗好口臭?。How can ability treat good halitosis ?

口臭是怎样形成的?怎样治疗呢?。How is halitosis formed? How be treated?

猛烈的口臭是重要的女性特徵。Strong halitosis be but one of my feminine traits.

有没有治疗传染型口臭的药?Have cure to infect model the medicine of halitosis ?

用来除口臭和葱蒜味,另口气清晰。Used to remove halitosis and onion and garlic flavor, clear the other tone.

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实际上,直到有一个勇敢的朋友当面告诉你时,你都可能不知道你有口臭。In fact, you may not know you have halitosis until a brave friend tells you.

扁桃体里的一些深孔也叫隐窝是引起口臭的一个常见原因。The deep holes in your tonsils, called crypts, are a common cause of halitosis.

用于治疗因鼻咽部细菌发酵所致的口臭。Use for the treatment of halitosis due to nasopharyngeal bacterial fermentation.

难怪BANA阳性反应与口臭会有统计关联性。Not surprisingly, positive BANA tests are statistically associated with halitosis.

当我们把舌苔挖乾净,牙齿洗乾净,口臭没了,吃起东西来就比较有味道了。When we clean coating on the tongues and teeth, our halitosis is gone, so we eat well.

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非处方药抑酸剂可以减少胃酸,后者也能引起饱嗝时溢出的口臭。Over-the-counter antacids may ease a sour or acidic stomach, which can cause halitosis when you burp.

原因可能是幽门螺杆菌感染直接产生硫化物,引起口臭。The reason possibly is the pylorus spiral bacillus infects produces the sulfide directly, causes the halitosis.

口臭,或者是人们常说的‘口气不好’,往往会破坏异性相处时浪漫的情调,甚至让人对接吻产生反感。" Halitosis , commonly known as bad breath, can spoil a romantic mood, or even make one reluctant to kiss, " says Dr.

提示我们治疗口腔疾病应该考虑口腔微生态平衡。Regulating oral flora to get oral microecological balance should be considered in treatment of oral malodor or halitosis.

家庭口腔卫生可能是最有效的方法,以减少碎片和细菌的累积导致口臭。Home oral hygiene is probably the most effective way to reduce accumulations of debris and bacteria that lead to halitosis.

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请访问口臭的治疗资料,或免费的哮喘资料或婴儿洗澡规划的更多信息,对这些话题。Please visit Halitosis Cure Information or Free Asthma Information or Baby Shower Planning for more information on these topics.

肺中的浓痰的气味沿着支气管呼出来导致严重的口臭。The smell of purulent sputum incubating deep within a lung may waft its way up the bronchial tree, resulting in serious halitosis.

有些人的舌头上寄生着更多种类引起口臭的细菌,这就是为什么有些人口臭特别严重的原因。Some people harbor more species of malodorous bacteria than others do, which may be why certain individuals are especially halitosis -prone.