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他在印尼生活。He lives in Indonesia.

印尼农村的一个村庄。A village in rural Indonesia.

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科莫多国家公园,印度尼西亚Komodo National Park, Indonesia

印度尼西亚是20国集团的成员国。Indonesia is a member of the G-20.

奥巴马在夏威夷和印度尼西亚长大。He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia.

也许只是印尼太诚实了。Maybe Indonesia is just too honest.

你们是去泰国还是印度尼西亚呢?Should you go to Thailand or Indonesia?

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印度尼西亚西爪哇岛的苏拉迪塔村。Suradita Village, West Java, Indonesia.

在印尼这是一个大新闻,但是我们相信或许这样的情况放眼世界也绝无仅有。This is currently big news in Indonesia.

印尼火山爆发,居民被迫撤离。Volcano forces evacuations in Indonesia.

1995年以来,印度尼西亚曾一直无脊髓灰质炎。Indonesia had been polio-free since 1995.

印度尼西亚砂金资源丰富。Indonesia is rich in gold placer resources.

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印尼将不参加这次开罗会议。Indonesia won't attend the weekend meeting.

臭臭虫,伊里安查亚,印度尼西亚。Stink bugs, eaten in Irian Jaya, Indonesia.

印尼的石油蕴藏量丰富。Indonesia is abundant in petroleum deposits.

非农产品市场准入八一印度尼西亚。August "non-farm" to the market in Indonesia.

印尼是世界上最大的群岛,由于地处太平洋火圈,很容易发生地震。Indonesia is the world's largest archipelago.

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印度尼西亚球员举起汤姆斯杯以示庆贺。Indonesia lift the Thomas Cup in celebration.

巴迪布是印度尼西亚的特产。Batiks is a special works of art of Indonesia.

在印度尼西亚,伊里安查亚,阿斯马特,踩着高跷的房子House on Stilts in Asmat, Irian Jaya, Indonesia