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但是来了一个天才。But here's the brilliance.

这正是比伯的才华所在。This is the brilliance of Bieber.

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这就是他的才华所在。That is the brilliance of Schrodinger.

他的才华使他从普通人群中脱颖而出。His brilliance raised him above the ruck.

两旁是妈祖光明灯。The lamps of two sides are Brilliance Lamps.

追求卓越,永不言弃。Spirit – pursue brilliance and never give up.

月光以她的光华使星星黯然失色。The moon pales the stars with her brilliance.

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她深爱他的才华横溢和古道热肠。She loved his brilliance and his generous heart.

芝加哥公牛队失去了往日的辉煌。The Chicago Bulls has lost its former brilliance.

这些品质促使她的出众才华取得了广泛的使用。These qualities promoted the use of her brilliance.

这个简单而聪明绝顶的计划让我充满了希望。The simple brilliance of the plan filled me with hope.

他的出色表现让这部电影成为了毋庸置疑的经典。His brilliance renders this film an indubitable classic.

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秘法智慧和秘法光辉的法力消耗量降低。Arcane Intellect and Arcane Brilliance mana costs reduced.

它显示了中国古代文化的光辉。It demonstrated the brilliance of China's ancient culture.

他用他的智慧与仁政拯万民于水火He saved the city thanks to his brilliance and his goodwill.

布面组织饱满圆润、手感滑爽、具有亮丽的光泽、安康时髦。Fabric surface is full and smooth with High color brilliance.

他们虽然地位卑微,但在艺术上却有他们自己的奇光异彩。Though low in status, they emit art brilliance of themselves.

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是否觉得他们无知、并且不能理解你的才华?Are they that ignorant, can't they understand your brilliance?

因为那如平静无波的眼眸里此刻已经有了光彩。Because that such as there is by now brilliance in the calm eyes.

如同小点一样闪烁的高光则带有一种珍珠般的光辉。Glittery highlight like small points carries pearl-like brilliance.