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各省都要求具有监察机构颁发的许可证。Licensure with a regulatory body is required in all provinces.

我们将与他们一道工作,看看为了许可证的颁发还需要做些什么。We will work with them to see what needs to be done to lead to licensure.

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恶性疟疫苗正在研发中,有可能在2015年左右获得许可。A vaccine for falciparum malaria is on track, and licensure could be around 2015.

国家要求物理治疗师们只有通过执照考试,才可以毕业。States require that physical therapists pass a licensure exam before they can graduate.

本文主要介绍了美国的兽医师执照管理情况。Veterinary licensure system has been in practice in the United States for over a century.

许多州要求具备此专业的文凭才能有资格做婚姻和家庭顾问。Many states require a degree in this field to qualify for licensure as a marriage or family counselor.

的听语人员认为通过听语证照制度对其工作会有正面影响。Ninety percent professionals suggested having positive change to their job if the licensure issue passes.

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可以放宽职业许可证发放规则,给正规教育的人机会。Occupational licensure rules could be relaxed to create opportunities for people without formal education.

可以放宽职业许可证发放规则,给没有接受正规教育的人创造机会。Occupational licensure rules could be relaxed to create opportunities for people without formal education.

执照需要由园林建筑注册管理局理事会管理考试合格。Licensure requires passing an exam administered by the Council of Landscape Architectural Registration Boards.

在这一部分主要对如何评价中小学校长以及如何管理证照作了较详细的阐述。In this part , how to evaluate the headmasters and how to manage the licensure and certification are illustrated.

如教育,培训和执照代表的经验,是个人财产。Experience Requirements Like education, training and licensure represent experiences that are a property of an individual.

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培训和执照的要求已被用来形容职业的要求使用不同的解决办法。Training and licensure requirements have been used to describe occupation requirements using a number of different approaches.

是故,为了培养人才以及留住人才,建立听语专业人员证照制度极为必须且极为迫切。Therefore, the most important issue for speech and hearing manpower planning is to establish licensure in speech pathology and audiology.

在某些学位课程中可以获得行医的资格证或许可证,而其他的学位课程通常是让学生们做好准备进行医疗卫生领域的深入学习。Some lead to certification or licensure to practice medicine, while others prepare the student for further study in a medical or public health field.

而且,承包人的许可证是一种确保所构建的代码是高质量的手段。Further, the licensure of contractors serves as an instrument through which municipalities ensure that building codes are communicated and adhered to.

在这些新型小分子抑制剂获得临床使用许可前,我们可以对业已形成的聚乙二醇化干扰素联合病毒唑的治疗方案进行适当的修改。In the interim prior to licensure of these new small molecule inhibitors, established therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin can be tailored.

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五专物理治疗教育为高职改制,课程设计以培育物理治疗人才,并辅导学生通过物理治疗专业证照为主要目标。The junior-college level PT programs aim to train students becoming professional physical therapists and guide them to pass the therapist licensure exam.

由于科目分析,目录对应和健康声明证明等的需要,要求提交对于所有中学以后的学术科目要有教学大纲或者其它类型的课程描述。Subject Analysis, Catalog Match, and Health Professions Licensure reports require a syllabus or other type of course descriptions to be submitted for all postsecondary academic subjects.

这家公司大力推销各式各样的学习范畴,「专为忙碌的专业人士所设计,让他们能取得保有执业证照所需的教育学分。It pitches cruises on a wide range of disciplines "designed for the specific purpose of allowing the busy professional to obtain the educational course credits required to maintain licensure".