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运行安装程序,上面有删除选项。Run setup. exe and select remove SQL Server.

一个查看系统中所有svchost.exe加载服务的小工具。A program to see what all those svchost.exe are running.

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双击setup.exe会在WINE下打开它。Now double clicking setup.exe should open it using WINE.

之间的区别是什么。网本地和速度?What is the difference between . NET Native and Ngen. exe?

用虚拟光驱的软件读入镜像文件就可以安装了!Everyone can see there is no setup. exe file, so how to setup?

按总经理、行政助理经理指令,回答客人及媒体的问题。According to the order of GM or Exe. Asst GM to answer the questions.

新的csencrypt.exe工具,用来管理远程桌面的加密密码。A new csencrypt.exe tool to manage remote desktop encryption passwords.

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而同样的程序作为一个单独的EXE运行时可能不会抛出异常。The same program running as a standalone EXE may not throw the exception.

广为人知的NOTEPAD.EXE程序就是专门针对ASCII文本文件的编辑器。The well-known NOTEPAD.EXE program is an editor for plain ASCII text files.

沉重的EXE文件建立悬臂梁床车床于此可见图片。The heavy build of the EXE cantilever-bed lathe is evident from this picture.

在这种情况下,每次你移到另外一个文件夹时外壳都要调用explorer.exe。In this case, the shell calls explorer.exe each time you move to another folder.

什么是Windows服务,它的生命周期与标准的EXE程序有什么不同What is a Windows Service and how does its lifecycle differ from a "standard" EXE?

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安装完成后,用bds.exe替换BIN目录下的同名文件即可。After Install Replace the "BDS. exe" in the Directory named "BIN" with cracked file.

这种方式通过修改已经编译的EXE或DLL注入必要的代码段。This involves modifying the compiled EXE or DLL to inject the necessary code fragments.

在过程完成之后,艾克斯最后打开开关,开始发功。At the completion of the process, EXE finally opens the switch and the power grid starts.

安全性权限将会不同,但是您可以使用Zoner.exe工具来对付这个。The security permissions will differ, but you can use the Zoner. exe tool to address this.

文件更新,新版已不再被杀软视为木马程序。Documentation updated, new "update. exe" file which is no longer detected by Avira as trojan.

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你可以浏览你的半死目录或者你的半死目录,并指定该文件。Just browse to your half-life or counterstrike directory, and point it to the original hl. exe.

这个程序可以从.MDB文件中提取所有的表,它们的字段和数据类型。Use this . EXE Program to extract all the tables, their fields and datatype from an . MDB file.

cpuMask属性还提供了设置aspnet_wp.exe运行的最大数。The cpuMask attribute also sets an upper bound to the number of copies of aspnet_wp.exe that are running.