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未来的超级大国在哪儿?But the superpower of the future?

美国是农业的超级大国。The US is the agricultural superpower.

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每个人都想拥有超能力——至少一种。Everyone wants to have at least one superpower.

但是,中国真的能成为另一个超级大国吗?But is China really going to be another superpower?

一些人认为这会是一个“早熟的”超级大国。Some argue that it will be a “premature” superpower.

这就是我为什么开展超强能力辅导研讨。This is why I started my Superpower Coaching sessions.

超级大国企图支配其他国家。The superpower attempted to dominate over other countries.

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中国确实是个虚弱的大国,如书的副题所言。China is indeed the fragile superpower of her book's subtitle.

明治天皇为日本变成一个超级大国起到了关键性的作用。Meiji was a key player in making Japan a major world superpower.

由于它的巨大版图,俄国有资源成为超级大国。Because of its size, Russia has the resources to become a superpower.

更加可能的结果是,在可预知的未来将不会出现任何超级大国。More likely, there will not be a superpower in the foreseeable future.

事实是我们只能猜猜中国作为超级大国可能要做什么。The fact is we're only guessing at what China might do as a superpower.

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未来的20年内,中国将成为世界上第一的经济巨人。Within 20 years, China will become the world's No1 economic superpower.

干得不错,中囯很快就能变成跟美囯平起平坐的超级坝泉了。Good job china you are soon to share the seat of "superpower" with the US.

我认为写作现在成为我的一项超强能力就是因为我坚持下来了。I consider writing to be a superpower of mine now because I stuck with it.

你们中的大多数,属于这个世界目前仅存的超级大国。The great majority of you belong to the world's only remaining superpower.

毫无疑问,今天的中国是一个经济和军事超级强大的国家。Today it is an economic and military superpower and no two opinion abt it.

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他们视自己为先驱者,探索这个冉冉升起的超级大国。They see themselves as pioneers, exploring the emerging superpower up close.

“读心术”是每个心理学家都梦寐以求的超能力。One superpower all psychologists would kill for is the ability to read minds.

突然间,世界超级大国和新兴强国兵刃相见。Suddenly, the world's superpower and the newest great power are nose to nose.