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你打左卡未呀?。Did you punch the timecard?

工作时间被记录在工时记录卡吗?。Is work time documented by a timecard?

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永恒之塔考勤卡可以为您提供更多的游戏时间。Aion timecard can offer you more game time.

当你的考勤卡没记录的时候,你是否还在工作?Do you ever work when your timecard is not recorded?

离开办公室前不要忘了打卡。Don't forget to punch your timecard before leaving the office.

他们按时上下班且收获工资支票。他们又把工资支票放在进了支票本。They keep a timecard and receive paychecks, which they keep in check registers.

要注意入厂登记表上的入厂日期或填表日期不能是工卡上的休息日。Date of accession or date of form filling should not be any rest day on timecard.

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因此,公司能够依赖IP电话应用来进行各项活动,例如工时卡打卡或多媒体产品培训。As a result companies are able to use IP phone applications for such activities as timecard entries or multi-media product training.

把上班的总天数,平时加班的总时数,休息日加班的总时数清楚写在工卡上,方便算工资和检查。Total work days, total overtime hours and total overtime hours on rest days should be clearly stated in the timecard for easy checking.

因此,这次东部之行,带的只有单一的肉食、雪橇上装的主要是工具和弹药,而期限则无限制地推后。So, on this great journey into the East, straight meat was the bill of fare , ammunition and tools principally made up the load on the sled, and the timecard was drawn upon the limitless future.